My rooster is walking like he’s drunk and crowing like he needs to cough.


In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2022
I’m currently treating my flock for worms and what I thought is coccidiosis, my rooster is on treatment for 5 days he improved a little, he doesn’t have explosive diarrhoea with blood in it anymore (he used to), his legs doesn’t shake as they did before but he’s still weak, he used to fall while walking and he also fell multiple times when pooping. He doesn’t fall anymore but he’s still drunk walking around.

I noticed that his food is just partly digested so I thought it might be sour crop, he started free ranging just recently so he might eat something funky? I tried how it feels like before bedtime and it felt like water filled ball or a titty, squishy sort of.

I guess his drunk walking might be caused by malnutrition but I’m not sure. He recently started molting too and I read that might be quite taxing too on a bird. His crowing sounds raspy almost as when a human needs to cough.

He eats, it’s not bad but I think he should eat a little bit more, same with drinking. I’m l trying to feed him all sorts of vitamin especially E and B. He was dewormed last Friday and currently on Coccidiosis medicine + probiotics and powder coal for better digesting.

Any help for my lovely boy would be highly appreciated.
If you need more details please ask.
Thank you all in advance.
I’m currently treating my flock for worms and what I thought is coccidiosis, my rooster is on treatment for 5 days he improved a little, he doesn’t have explosive diarrhoea with blood in it anymore (he used to), his legs doesn’t shake as they did before but he’s still weak, he used to fall while walking and he also fell multiple times when pooping.

I noticed that his food is just partly digested

I’m l trying to feed him all sorts of vitamin especially E and B. He was dewormed last Friday and currently on Coccidiosis medicine + probiotics and powder coal for better digesting.
Do you have photos of your rooster and his poop?

What do you feed him?

What Coccidiosis medicine and dewormer did you give - name of products and dosing please.

Did you give the B vitamins during the course of Coccidiosis treatment?

Same rooster as the other thread earlier this week?

Check to see that his crop is emptying overnight. If it's not, then you'll want to address that. First it would be good to know how you treated the Coccidiosis and worms.

Work on hydration, I'd continue with the vitamin E. Encourage him to eat, you can give a bit of egg along with his normal feed to see if that entices him.

Look him over for lice/mites when you are tending to him.
Do you have photos of your rooster and his poop?

What do you feed him?

What Coccidiosis medicine and dewormer did you give - name of products and dosing please.

Did you give the B vitamins during the course of Coccidiosis treatment?

Same rooster as the other thread earlier this week?

Check to see that his crop is emptying overnight. If it's not, then you'll want to address that. First it would be good to know how you treated the Coccidiosis and worms.

Work on hydration, I'd continue with the vitamin E. Encourage him to eat, you can give a bit of egg along with his normal feed to see if that entices him.

Look him over for lice/mites when you are tending to him.
Hey, sorry for late reply, I have pics and videos, currently uploading them. It is the same rooster, I only have one and 6 hens.

I’m giving him vitamin E and Selenium into water, I didn’t buy vitamin B yet so I feed him vitamin B rich foods he can eat.

I’m not located in USA but Slovakia so the medicine name will tell you nothing probably but it’s called Kokcidin, it is supposed to be all natural and it doses 1ml per 1l of water. It’s made of this: Echinacea purpurea extract; Sage essential oil; Oleoresin Thymus vulgaris; Oil extract Rosmarinus officinalis; Allium sativum oil; Origanum vulgare oil

As of deworming pills unfortunately I have no idea how they were called as it was written in Russian, they were given by my vet and he told me they are primarily for dogs as we don’t usually deworm chicken here but works for chicken too, they were dosed quarter a pill for a chicken.

His crop empties over night but he’s gassy? When he pooped he sort of farted and burped when I was touching the crop.

I’m feeding him meal worms as he really loves those, sunflower seeds and wheat grain all mixed together with probiotics and coal.
I’m giving him field beet and scrambled egg too.

pics and videos
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The Kokcidin herbal oil is marketed as a preventative and bacteriostat, but it would not treat an actual outbreak of coccidiosis. Amprollium, sulfa antibiotics, or toltrazuril are the most common medicines for coccidiosis.

Did you say that you were feeding coal in his food, or is that a typo? Do you have granite grit available? Can you get a commercial chicken feed where you live? He looks like he is adjusting his crop in the video. It might be that he is having trouble digesting his food. Are beets normally fed to chickens in Slovakia? I would check his crop early each morning before he has water or food, to see that it is emptying.
The Kokcidin herbal oil is marketed as a preventative and bacteriostat, but it would not treat an actual outbreak of coccidiosis. Amprollium, sulfa antibiotics, or toltrazuril are the most common medicines for coccidiosis.

Did you say that you were feeding coal in his food, or is that a typo? Do you have granite grit available? Can you get a commercial chicken feed where you live? He looks like he is adjusting his crop in the video. It might be that he is having trouble digesting his food. Are beets normally fed to chickens in Slovakia? I would check his crop early each morning before he has water or food, to see that it is emptying.
I have sulfa antibiotics at home, I will use those instead then, general vet gave me those but avian one prescribed me that herbal one.

It’s not the type of beet people eat it’s different just used for livestock and it is very common in here to feed it to chicken.

The powdered coal is supposed to help with digestion, we use it too for human.
I was trying his crop at the evening it felt full and in the morning empty but I’m not 100% sure as I don’t exactly know what to look for.

Also o have grit available for them at the all time but now as he’s in isolation doesn’t have any because I wasn’t sure if it won’t make things worse.
His crop empties over night but he’s gassy? When he pooped he sort of farted and burped when I was touching the crop.

I’m feeding him meal worms as he really loves those, sunflower seeds and wheat grain all mixed together with probiotics and coal.
I’m giving him field beet and scrambled egg too.

Also, maybe it isn’t important but I can definitely feel his crop only on one side
I bet you mean like Activated Charcoal that people take.

I would definitely look inside his beak for any lesions or canker. Re-check his crop to see if it's emptying, but also take note if his breath has any sour or yeasty odor.

Being gassy that would be likely digestive - crop? worms? something else - I don't know.

He does need grit available to process the beets, sunflower and wheat, so provide him some free choice. It may be a good idea to soak the beets, wheat and seeds overnight to help soften them up and easier to process until you can get him back to normal. Giving egg is a good idea too.

The crop should be felt only on one side, the Right side of the chicken. If you are feeling it, then it may be slow to empty. So re-check it in the morning before he eat/drinks, see if it's flat/empty. You may need to treat him for a crop problem.
I bet you mean like Activated Charcoal that people take.

I would definitely look inside his beak for any lesions or canker. Re-check his crop to see if it's emptying, but also take note if his breath has any sour or yeasty odor.

Being gassy that would be likely digestive - crop? worms? something else - I don't know.

He does need grit available to process the beets, sunflower and wheat, so provide him some free choice. It may be a good idea to soak the beets, wheat and seeds overnight to help soften them up and easier to process until you can get him back to normal. Giving egg is a good idea too.

The crop should be felt only on one side, the Right side of the chicken. If you are feeling it, then it may be slow to empty. So re-check it in the morning before he eat/drinks, see if it's flat/empty. You may need to treat him for a crop problem.
Okay I see, yes the the coal I mean haha.

They are currently treated for worms, it’s given in two doses, next dose is this Friday.
I found little tapeworm first and then decided to deworm them and found what I think is roundworm. But other chicken looks okay and healthy.

He got better his poop looks more normal than it used to, sometimes he literally pooped water with mucus or blood.

I tried his crop just now as it’s almost sleep time for chickens here, it felt fullish as it should before sleep right? In the morning it was empty. Will continue checking on it.

He doesn’t have stinky breath and when I was feeding him with syringe I didn’t notice anything wrong.

I’m not sure if you checked all the pics and video I posted but his crop makes weird sounds when he drinks, almost like human stomach when hungry.
Oh, I didn't realize there were more photos and video!
Yes, I see he is stumbling around too.

Do you have a pharmacy or shop that sells human vitamins? You are giving vitamin E right? I'd make sure he's getting 400IU of Vitamin E daily.
I'd give the Sulfa antibiotic to treat Coccidiosis and finish deworming.

Once you finish treating for Coccidiosis, then I'd also start giving B-Complex to see if that will help as well.

It would be good if you can try to translate the worming medication that you are using. Depending on what it is, it may treat the Tapeworms, but may not be effective in treating Roundworms or vice versa. Does that make sense? You vet can help straighten that out maybe?
A heavy infestation of worms could be the main problem for all his issues, but really hard to know.

You are correct that his crop should feel fullish at night after he's been eating/drinking during the day and that it should be empty in the morning after he's been sleeping (and pooping) all night.

I hope he starts to get better, he sure is keen on trying to keep up with his lovely ladies:)
Oh, I didn't realize there were more photos and video!
Yes, I see he is stumbling around too.

Do you have a pharmacy or shop that sells human vitamins? You are giving vitamin E right? I'd make sure he's getting 400IU of Vitamin E daily.
I'd give the Sulfa antibiotic to treat Coccidiosis and finish deworming.

Once you finish treating for Coccidiosis, then I'd also start giving B-Complex to see if that will help as well.

It would be good if you can try to translate the worming medication that you are using. Depending on what it is, it may treat the Tapeworms, but may not be effective in treating Roundworms or vice versa. Does that make sense? You vet can help straighten that out maybe?
A heavy infestation of worms could be the main problem for all his issues, but really hard to know.

You are correct that his crop should feel fullish at night after he's been eating/drinking during the day and that it should be empty in the morning after he's been sleeping (and pooping) all night.

I hope he starts to get better, he sure is keen on trying to keep up with his lovely ladies:)
Yeah I feel so bad for him, he has to sleep all alone it’s getting cold and no cuddles, girls out there free ranging and he can only watch.

I’m inspecting his poop very closely for worms and eggs or something weird that shouldn’t be there. He doesn’t poop a lot as he eat less but he has never been a good eater.

My vet is closed due to holidays and i ran out of E he gave me so I probably have to buy human vitamins meantime, he’s lucky to have me because he’s a big big money-sink right now but I love him, I’m thinking all days how could I possibly help him.

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