My Polish can't see


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Apr 3, 2011
southern Ohio
My 2 polish pullets can't see due to heavy feathering over their eyes.Can someone post pictures of trimming polish feathers? I have trimmed already, but didn't want to trim severely and start any bleeding. I tried ponie tails--didn't work. So far my chicks still can't see well, and are constantly being pecked at and run around like they are frightened. They are 17 weeks in a flock of 37 chicks, and are kept in the coop and not allowed to free range by the other chicks. If 1 gets out, they get lost.
i have this same problem with my polish rooster.
I have to trim his feathers around his eyes, i have to get someone to hold him still but im dreading that i may poke him in the eye by accident o_o
I heard as long as you don't cut at the base of the feather it won't bleed, so i was just ganna cute about half wayish.
We had to separate 1 Polish chick for over a month due to losing a patch of feathers on top of her head. We put her with another Polish, 2 silkies, and 2 mille fleurs (1 a roo.) Now they have slowly been re-integrated into the main flock (mostly all same age) for several weeks. My Polish are hatchery chicks, and they have the thickest feathers on their heads, and you can hardly see their eyes.
I've read posts here before about tophat chickens not seeing well, but do many of you need to trim them or are mine just worse off? I may need to post some pics tomorrow. I'd really like some advice.
I trim my polish hens' feathers and it is a common topic on BYC so you are not alone. I give her kind of a mohawk, very stylish. sorry I don't have pics of the process but I have someone hold them with the chicken facing me, I place the scissors with blades open close to the head, with the pointy part past their eye (toward their back) then move the open scissors laterally toward the head to make some cuts. I feel less likely to poke her eye out this way.

A sharp pair of bandage scissors would be handy for this, as the tips are not pointy but I don't have a pair. If you are nervous about doing it you could try that.
I trim my Polish roo's feathers around his eyes. I wrap him in a dish towel so he won't flap his wings, lay him down on another towel, then gently clip the feathers around his eyes. Turn him over then trim the other side. He's still pretty young - 4 month olds, and his feathers are still coming in and getting longer, so he's been getting regular haircuts. At first I had to encourage him to hold his head down for the haircut, but now he knows the routine and will do it as soon as he's wrapped in a towel.
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I'd love to see your Polish wrapped in towel and getting his topknot cut. Maybe a hot towel and a shave as well. Starting them young is the best way. I used to raise show Cockers and they got their first head trim at 3 weeks, so I could preview who might have potential. By the time they were sold they were veterans and easy to work on.

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