My oldest chicken died in the cold snap.....


Feb 18, 2020

Not looking for sympathy but just sharing the story........

My oldest chicken, White Rhode Island, must have been at least 5-6 died when the cold snap came, below freezing. We had all the signs she was dying for months but when the cold came, I think she couldn't get up the perch and died in the bottom of the coop. I hope this doesn't offend anyone but we put her out by the creek so her body could be eaten by other cold and hungry animals. Her body was gone in less than two days. Her name was Courmond! She was a good girl!

Not looking for sympathy but just sharing the story........

My oldest chicken, White Rhode Island, must have been at least 5-6 died when the cold snap came, below freezing. We had all the signs she was dying for months but when the cold came, I think she couldn't get up the perch and died in the bottom of the coop. I hope this doesn't offend anyone but we put her out by the creek so her body could be eaten by other cold and hungry animals. Her body was gone in less than two days. Her name was Courmond! She was a good girl!
I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs
Thanks so much! We truly 'debated' if we should put her out by the creek or not but the idea that it would feed other animals in the cold weather helped us make that decision. Courmond gave all the way up to the end......

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