My flock isn't laying yet.

Kathy Sistare

5 Years
Jul 26, 2017
We have 6 gold - laced Wyandottes that are about 20 weeks old. When will they start laying? We also have 10 more, 2 Buff Orpington's, 2 brown leg-horns, 2 Rhode Island reds, 2 Jerseys Giants and 2 Austrolops. They other 10 are younger than the others and they are all eating like crazy. My other question is when do I switch to laying feed?
Your breeds will generally start laying at 5-7 months. Keep them on a grower until all are laying, you can put out a separate bowl of oyster shells when you start getting eggs or at about 5 months.

You can switch to a layer or leave them on a non medicated grower, or switch to an All Flock ration. I personally don't like or feed a layer ration anymore. My birds do better on the all flock.
Im betting anytime now, unless you are having these 90 deg days. Those rhode islands will start pretty young, the larger breeds just take longer to get going. It will happen, don't forget to offer oyster shell, crushed egg shells you have used, or adding food grade diatomaceous earth mixed in the feed, a great source of calcium.
Welcome to BYC and your chickens will start to lay eggs when they are 5-7 months old and by the way your chickens are really chicks my friend has chickens and they started to matcher and they are 3 months hold
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Patience is required with poultry: waiting for hens to lay, waiting for eggs to hatch, waiting for chicks to be old enough to figure gender.

Much better not to stress over things you cannot control.
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Put a fake egg in the nesting boxes. I had my first egg the day after I did this. Could have been coincidental timing, but I was happy! 15 days later all of my girls were laying.
That first egg is always so exciting to find! The white egg is my fake egg. It's made of glass and is about 100 years old.

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