My flock ate a baby copperhead and I'm freaking out!

Lil Chicken mama

Jul 23, 2020
I was working on the fence near them when I heard something hit the ground and the flock went nuts. Thought it was a giant worm my jersey hen was working over and fighting the flock over, till I realized it was too big to be a worm. Ran inside the pen and found three of them w a foot long, nearly dead, baby copperhead. I tried to grab my hen, but she wasn't letting go, and two others ripped off other bits of it. Before I could grab the RI Red that stole the head, everyone ate it! I just killed a five foot cottonmouth last week that easily killed my quail (I live on a lake, so we get lots of snakes, though we keep out tons of pest control). Now I'm a little freaked out that the snake might injure my hen on its way down her gullet. Never seen the five of them freak out on such a coordinated attack before.

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