My first ever crop issue, 10-week-old Pullet


Free Ranging
14 Years
Jun 7, 2009
Brightwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
My newest flock additions are 10weeks old now. Everything quite normal, they've been in my very dry brooder room with attached little outdoor run. Diet is only All flock crumble, nothing else. I have not treated with Corid as I have not seen any signs of Coccidiosis. But my cute little blue feather foot, Blue CM has had a big, squishy, not emptying over night crop for about a week. I've massaged it a little, hoped it would go down eventually but it hasn't. And this morning I noticed her stretching her neck/trying to adjust. SO I'm actually thinking instead of treating for crop issue, I should start Corid. What do you think? I remember a thread with experts a while back where the advice was to start Corid incase this all about a heavy worm load. And then if that does not help resolve the crop, treat for sour, impacted or doughy crop (I forgot to go smell her breath, I'll do that now.) Is this what you'd do? Or would you treat just as a crop issue? Also is this a Maran's thing? My adult hen BCM has always had big swinging crop but it does empty right about the time I start getting worried.... :idunno
If you decide to use stool softener docusate sodium for the chick, you can just melt one gel in 1ml water and only give half to the chick. I feed a whole gel to my big Maran and she had diarrhea for two weeks! It did work though to help empty her crop.
If you decide to use stool softener docusate sodium for the chick, you can just melt one gel in 1ml water and only give half to the chick. I feed a whole gel to my big Maran and she had diarrhea for two weeks! It did work though to help empty her crop.
Oh I like that idea better than a wormer (if not Corid.) Thanks.
Her breath does smell a little sour. I put her in a hospital with only water. I'm alone until tomorrow so trying to hold her and get something down her mouth is pretty funny.
If you decide to use stool softener docusate sodium for the chick, you can just melt one gel in 1ml water and only give half to the chick. I feed a whole gel to my big Maran and she had diarrhea for two weeks! It did work though to help empty her crop.
Were you treating sour crop? Of the crops issues, her's would be "sour" because it's not hard, it's a big squishy balloon like people describe.
I'm heading into town to get micanozole per the sour crop treatment but if anyone has anything to add such as do I keep her away from food? water? I don't see anything about what to do during treatment..... Thanks for any advice.....
10weeks old

I have not treated with Corid as I have not seen any signs of Coccidiosis. But my cute little blue feather foot, Blue CM has had a big, squishy, not emptying over night crop for about a week.

Her breath does smell a little sour.

I'm heading into town to get micanozole per the sour crop treatment but if anyone has anything to add such as do I keep her away from food? water? I don't see anything about what to do during treatment..... Thanks for any advice.....
At that age, I'd treat for Coccidiosis too. Corid is what you want in the water. I'd also direct oral drench her for 3 days in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water.

If the crop is sour, then give the Miconazole twice daily according to the article below.

Let her eat her normal feed and drink during waking hours. I'm not a fan of isolating a chick from her flock mates unless they are just too weak to get to food/water or are getting picked on.

At that age, all the chicks could have the Corid water, just pull her aside for the extra treatment of the drench and Miconazole.

I had a cockerel about that age whose crop was not emptying, he was the only one. I treated for sour crop and coccidiosis, he was just barely slightly "off". Anyway...I treated him as suggested above, not sure if it was just getting the crop to move or the corid or both, but within a couple of days he was doing great. Always finish out your treatments, so he got a full 7 days of anti-fungal (I use Clotrimazole), 3 days of Corid drench and 7 days of Corid water (all the chicks got the Corid water).

Of course, photos of your little girl are always welcome and of the poop too - you know gotta ask for poop photos😂

I'm sure you have dosing, but here it is anyway, for future readers. Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
Awesome, I've been really hoping to chat with you! Thank you! So this is just now, I let her out of hospital which was just next to the 3 flock mates roost so couldn't have stressed her out. The poo is therefore only her. It seems very dark. I'm glad to see it though and her crop seems to have gone down a little, still big just not so squishy, it's a littler harder. One pic I was able to get her extending neck, she does that alot and her ruffled chest feathers are from pecking at her crop so she's probably uncomfortable or in pain.

I'm alone until tonight unfortunately because I did try to hold a chick and open mouth with one hand, syringe Corid with the other. She shook her head and got Corid in my eye. For the record, don't do that it stings. She doesn't seem to be declining even though there is for sure an issue, so I think she'll be okay to wait until tonight.






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