My ducks were attacked - one severely injured

Hopefully he doesn't,but if he does he would be the most powerful earthbender! I bet Miss Lydia is rather confused what we're talking about

@My15Ducks It's amazing he is still with you after yesterday just the stress of the attack can kill them. I am so thankful to hear your seeing improvement, Have you tried making his feed into a soup so he can drink it ?
I have a horrible update. My sister caught a mongoose attacking my ducks this morning. She chased off the mongoose but the duck died within minutes. It was my favorite duckling, Ruu. I’m absolutely devastated and not sure I can keep having ducks after this.

My family is taking turns guarding the ducks while I go to town to buy some new fencing to make a fortified pen. The mongoose is lurking around and I’m sure it will come back for more. We set a trap too.

(A mongoose is a small aggressive weasel like creature. They are an invasive species in Hawaii. It’s rare for them to attack full sized poultry. Ruu was full sized and fully feathered. I don’t know why this is happening now after I’ve had ducks for 2 years)
I’m so sorry :hugs do you think this could have been what happened last night. Please don’t give up your ducks need you. Yes mongoose are very much like mink and weasel we have here. Hardware cloth is the only thing that will keep out predators.
I’m so sorry :hugs do you think this could have been what happened last night. Please don’t give up your ducks need you. Yes mongoose are very much like mink and weasel we have here. Hardware cloth is the only thing that will keep out predators.
Yes, it was probably the mongoose not the loose dogs yesterday too.

I just bought 75 feet of hardware cloth. It won’t be as big as their own before but it will do for now. I’ll buy more hardware cloth and expand their pen as soon as possible. I’m going to set up the electric fence around the hardware cloth to keep bigger predators like dogs out.
This is Ruu😭😭 She is the first “wrong end pip” baby i ever assisted and I was so happy that I was able to save her. She was extremely friendly and self confident and so special. I can’t believe she’s gone. I feel absolutely horrible.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear this! Don't give up! I have a fox that's been preying on mine, which made me make extra extra sure they are safe. :hugs
That fox that was running the fence a few weeks ago really woke me up. I hadn't see a fox during the day in years. Thankfully I got my flock down around the house but I screamed at it and it ran off. We can't ever let our guard down for a second.

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