My chickens keep on dying :( One after another

Even older chickens can get coccidosis if they have been exposed to a strain they have not yet developed immunity too. my guess would be coccidosis. I could be wrong but symptoms are very familiar. Also not all cases of coccidosis involve bloody poo. they can have cocci without bloody poo. you can treat coccidosis with amprolium brand name would be corid or amprol. It kills all 9 strains of the cocci. If you see the symptoms again it would not hurt to treat for coccidosis. If it was my bird this is what I'd do. I really hope this helps. You can Google coccidosis and take a look at the symptoms and you can see it can and does at times strike older birds. Also keep in mind bloody poo does not always have to be present for the bird to have coccidosis. Best of luck.

I've just looked this up and I agree. I think this is my problem too. Unfortunately the hen I was concerned about died this evening :(

Having seen this website: the photo looks just like my poorly chicken.

Hope this helps others looking for solutions to this problem. I've purchased coxoid to treat my remaining hen just in case. I will also be resiting the run as I believe I have cocciodisis in the soil.
I've just looked this up and I agree. I think this is my problem too. Unfortunately the hen I was concerned about died this evening

Having seen this website: the photo looks just like my poorly chicken.

Hope this helps others looking for solutions to this problem. I've purchased coxoid to treat my remaining hen just in case. I will also be resiting the run as I believe I have cocciodisis in the soil.
Coccidiosis is everywhere. Unfortunately there are 9 strains of cocci. Moving chickens to another run,will not guarantee that another overload/outbreak of cocci will occur. Cocci can be spread by birds,bringing in a new strain into your area on your hands/clothes/shoes etc. All chickens keepers should know the symptoms of cocci and keep Amprolium in their chicken first aid kit. Treat all chickens immediately if any show symptoms,this is the way to deal with this parasite.
Claremariefield, I am so sorry that your chickens seem to be showing the same symptoms. It really is horrible. :( One of my favourite chickens "Gobbles" has recently gotten sick, the same symptoms as our other ones who have died. I'm literally devastated. What's strange, is that only one chicken is sick at a time. Once one dies, about a month or two passes, and another one gets sick. And Gobbles crop is SO inflated, like a water balloon. She drank excessively and then stopped eating and drinking altogether, I brought her outside the chicken coop and tossed her some pieces of bread. When she bent down to eat it, liquid poured out of her mouth.

As much as I love my chickens, I'm no expert. There are SO many chicken diseases out there. I called up a local vet (very difficult to find a vet that sees chickens) and talked to an employee. I told them that my chickens are part of my family. When one dies, the loss of money means nothing to me. It's the sadness of loosing a family member. They told me that an appointment would cost 70$, but the vet wouldn't be able to tell me anything except to confirm that yes.... I do indeed have a sick chicken. They suggested that I sent away one of the sick chickens to a lab, where they would do testing there. The problem??? It would cost anywhere between 225-330$ just for the diagnosis, excluding the treatment. I would spend anything for my chickens health. However, my parents don't agree with me. They think I should put my money towards college....

Unfortunately, I have still not determine what it is. Coccidosis? Sour Crop? I sadly don't know. If I get any info, I'll let you know, and please let me know how your chickens are doing as well!! I hope they get well! God Bless <3
It sounds like sour crop to me. I had a hen die of this a few weeks back actually. She displayed the same symptoms you have described for about 2 weeks - drooping tail, lethargic, etc. Then I noticed her laying face down in the run. I thought she was dead but when I picked her up, white liquid with dirt and small pieces of food came out of her beak and she shook her head a few times. I massaged her crop and noticed it was very full of liquid. A ton of junk came out of her mouth, almost like she was throwing up. About 30 mins later she passed away.
Wild Prime, thank you very much for your input. I'm sorry to hear that your chicken passed away :( I just hope that whatever it is doesn't wipe out my entire chicken flock. Is there any suggestions of what you think I should do? Do you think there is any hope that my girl will survive? The other chickens that we've had who have had this sickness lasted for a couple of weeks.
Wild Prime, In the final stages of death, the organs shut down and the crop does not empty, this is probably what happened with your hen. Sorry for your loss.

Wild Prime, thank you very much for your input. I'm sorry to hear that your chicken passed away :( I just hope that whatever it is doesn't wipe out my entire chicken flock. Is there any suggestions of what you think I should do? Do you think there is any hope that my girl will survive? The other chickens that we've had who have had this sickness lasted for a couple of weeks.
Is there any smell coming from her beak? Several on forums have used monistat to treat sour crop(candida/yeast),dose that has been used is,cut the three tablets that come with monistat into 1/3(you end up with 9),give 1 cut tablet orally,2 times a day. All have reported success with this method. Here is a link explaining impacted,sour crop and pendulous crop.
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Tmlpike, since going to the vet is not an option, you need to be your own vet. If she were my hen, she would be weighed and thoroughly examined. Can you do this?

Wild Prime, thank you very much for your input. I'm sorry to hear that your chicken passed away :( I just hope that whatever it is doesn't wipe out my entire chicken flock. Is there any suggestions of what you think I should do? Do you think there is any hope that my girl will survive? The other chickens that we've had who have had this sickness lasted for a couple of weeks.

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Coccidiosis is everywhere. Unfortunately there are 9 strains of cocci. Moving chickens to another run,will not guarantee that another overload/outbreak of cocci will occur. Cocci can be spread by birds,bringing in a new strain into your area on your hands/clothes/shoes etc. All chickens keepers should know the symptoms of cocci and keep Amprolium in their chicken first aid kit. Treat all chickens immediately if any show symptoms,this is the way to deal with this parasite.

I've ordered coxoid now so I'll be using that as soon as the symptoms occur. I've also completely disinfected the house and hosed down the run a bit to wash away the infected chicken's poo (I have an eglu)

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