My Chicken Stopped Laying


Nov 26, 2022
Northern New Mexico
Hey all!

I have a Cream Legbar chicken that is 7.5 months old and lays beautiful blue eggs. She usually lays an egg every other day or every two days. It’s now been about 6-8 days since she last laid. She is my most skittish of the flock, so not the easiest to get, but she generally seems to be behaving fine. She has been known to secretly lay eggs in random secluded spots, but I have scoured the property and can’t find them (they’re backyard chickens, so there are only so many places she could go). Could she be egg bound? I had assumed she’d act off if she were, but I started my chicken journey last fall, so there’s a lot that’s still new to me. I live in NM, so it’s still pretty warm here, I wouldn’t expect a slow down yet. Any perspectives from those of you more experienced chicken owners are appreciated. Thank you!
Some hens will lay for a while, than they take a break for a while. They repeat the cycle through the laying season.

I personally haven't owned many hens that laid constantly, and consistently except for sex link hens which are bred for production.

This time of year laying is more sporadic. You will get the best production in early spring through early summer, than production drops off.
Could she be egg bound? I had assumed she’d act off if she were,
Yes, she probably not.

(they’re backyard chickens, so there are only so many places she could go).
They are in the one place you haven't looked yet.
Best to keep them confined to coop and run for a few days to a week to know for sure.
That age can stop laying when the days grow so short.
I'm relatively new to chicken-keeping myself but wouldn't be too worried. My Pekins will lay randomly between the nest boxes and the ornamental yard grasses or close to the dog's mouth ;) .. or not at all for days. They are fenced now and seem to be loving it. Chickens! lol
Yes, she probably not.

They are in the one place you haven't looked yet.
Best to keep them confined to coop and run for a few days to a week to know for sure.
That age can stop laying when the days grow so short.
Thanks. I kept them locked up today, still no egg from her. I’ll keep at it and see if we get lucky. The days are shorter now, so maybe that’s all it is, but everyone else is still laying on schedule.

How would I know is if she’s egg bound, would she be obviously uncomfortable and acting off?

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