My chicken is suddenly afraid of me??


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2024
My chickens behavior lately has been really weird , for around 1 or 2 weeks he suddenly became really cuddly and didn’t want to go out and play anymore but he preferred to sit next to me on my bed all day and occasionally run around my room or bed, I noticed he was molting so i guessed it’s probably because of that and I don’t mind cuddling him anyways he’s rlly cute, but 3-4 days ago I thought he started to get back to his usual self but I noticed that no he became very jumpy and scared all the time , he didn’t like being around me anymore because he was afraid of me for some reason?? He was especially afraid of my feet which was weird bc it’s not like it’s the first time he has seen them, I tried wearing socks to maybe calm him down but no it made it worst , covering my legs with a blanket seemed to help tho, now he runs away from me if I get too close or try to cuddle with him :( if it was once or twice then fine maybe he didn’t feel like cuddling but no it’s all the time!! but he will let me pet him if I stayed very still and he came and sat next to me , he used to love when I make a cave for him with my body and blankets and let him sleep inside but now he runs away,he also seem to have a sudden obsession with my sisters big mirror which I heard they like but I put a table infront of the mirror so it doesn’t fall (which is kinda like a little cave) and he rather sit there for a long time than come next to me on the bed, I didn’t do anything and I didn’t change my appearance so idk why he suddenly hates me :( he has never acted like this and has never been scared of me not sure if this is just cuz of his teenage phase molt thing or what , I believe it might have to do with the fact that my brother was playing with him by scaring him and stomping his feet I told him to stop but it seems I was a little late , I believe that might be why he’s afraid of feet now , when he’s scared he runs up to me which he did when that happened, but now when ever I move he runs up to his mirror , it’s making me really sad he used to trust me so much and idk how to gain back his trust if he won’t let even get near him, and does he think the mirror is a chicken friend ? Idk I’m not sure how to fix it … I just want him to go back to normal.. he does still sit next to me and I get to pet him every now and then but like 90-80% of the time he’s terrified :hit
My last batch of chicks did the same thing. They were all so tame and sweet, then at about 3 months of age, they were all terrified of me. I was pretty distraught, but by the time they started laying (it was a LONG wait) they became very friendly again. Now, every single one of them lets me pick them up with no problem. Maybe he is just a hormonal teenager. But, mine were all hens, the fact that he is a rooster might change things.
Puberty, he's a teenager.
He's also starved for his own kind.
You don't want him attached to you as an adult, more often than not, imprinted cockerels get mean.
He needs to be with his own kind and out of your house, it's bad (physicallyand mentally) for all involved.
Oh ok I see😔 I’m just waiting for finals to end to get him a friend and finish his outside cage but can’t he be an inside chicken? Because I do want to keep him an inside chicken with his new friend and let him play in the backyard in the morning and I’ve seen some people keep inside chickens and roosters and they seemed pretty happy from what I saw so can he be happy inside? (also I’m not sure if he’s a guy I just call him a he lol he might be a girl with the way he’s growing) also he never got mean with me it’s just that he’s scared, but I do think he’s lonely that’s why I spend all day with him until we can get him his friends! Just to clarify I don’t throw him in a room alone all day he spends all day with me in my room and I let him in the backyard to play and he plays with my siblings i might’ve made it sound like that with the wording so he’s not super lonely but he def wants a friends of his own kind😅
My last batch of chicks did the same thing. They were all so tame and sweet, then at about 3 months of age, they were all terrified of me. I was pretty distraught, but by the time they started laying (it was a LONG wait) they became very friendly again. Now, every single one of them lets me pick them up with no problem. Maybe he is just a hormonal teenager. But, mine were all hens, the fact that he is a rooster might change things.
Ahh that’s good to hear atleast 🥲(also he might be a girl with the way he’s growing I just called him he since I got him so I just always call him that now) I’m hoping his teenage phase goes by quickly then cuz he looks stressed from me just existing!😭
Ahh that’s good to hear atleast 🥲(also he might be a girl with the way he’s growing I just called him he since I got him so I just always call him that now) I’m hoping his teenage phase goes by quickly then cuz he looks stressed from me just existing!😭
I wouldn’t worry about. You sound like you care about him/her a lot. Just wait, do your best to give it treats and pets on its terms. Plenty of treats! It was really frustrating for me too. I literally spent 90% of my time with those chicks, I read my book next to the brooder and was constantly picking them up. I was determined they were going to be tame. So when they started being scared of me, I thought all that I had done wasn’t enough (as if I could have really done more) but it really did pay off, they are now the sweetest things.
I wouldn’t worry about. You sound like you care about him/her a lot. Just wait, do your best to give it treats and pets on its terms. Plenty of treats! It was really frustrating for me too. I literally spent 90% of my time with those chicks, I read my book next to the brooder and was constantly picking them up. I was determined they were going to be tame. So when they started being scared of me, I thought all that I had done wasn’t enough (as if I could have really done more) but it really did pay off, they are now the sweetest things.
I hope it all turns out well and I think it will I decided to change my approach and give him more space and let him do his own thing now he’s less afraid and more comfortable and keeps going up to me to cuddle and sleep he’s still a little jumpy sometimes when I get up or sit down but he seems more comfortable 😄thanks for the advice I’ll just give him some time till he feels like himself again! Hope u and ur chickens have a nice day❤️

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