My Chicken is puffed up, lethargic, and standing still. HELP

Thanks to this thread, I was able to treat my chickens for cocci and they responded wonderfully!
2 of them were fine in the morning and by afternoon were puffed up, standing very still and not eating or drinking. We ruled out sour crop and egg bound. I started corps within an hour of noticing them, but had to give it by syringe since they wouldn’t drink. They each drank 4 teaspoons treated water this way and even just 3 hours later seemed a bit perked up. We gave them more treated water through syringe and locked them up for the night. In the morning they were perfect! No indication of sickness at all. They were ready for a new day and angry they were still in the coop 🤣
I will keep treating the whole flocks drinking water for five days total.
Thank you! I hope anyone with this issue successfully treats it!
Hi. I have a flock of 6 chickens I got last spring. This is my first time with chickens, so there is a lot I don't know. Yesterday, I noticed my golden sex link pullet had her feathers all fluffed out. I thought it was strange but didn't worry too much. Today she is the same. She just stands around and isn't interested in eating or drinking. I've been doing all sorts of research trying to figure out how to help her. She is one of my best layers, but hasn't laid in 2 days. I checked to see if she was egg bound, but didn't feel anything. I checked for lice/mites and she seems fine there too. She's not coughing or wheezing. Her comb is still red and she doesn't have any discharge from her eyes. I haven't seen her leave any dropping since I separated her from the flock and put her in an animal crate inside. But I didn't notice any crazy looking droppings out in the coop or run area. I'm feeling way out of my league here.
I have the same problem . Our hen has been in a box for 2 days. I don't know if she is eating or drinking. There are 4 other hens. I can't separate her without my husbands help..he is sleeping. We only have one heat lamp.She is close to the heat lamp )She is in a metal cage outside. I put her as she was in a wooden box as close to the heat lamp as I could. Other than wanting to be inactive she doesn't seem to have problems. I saw poop for the first time with white poop in it.
If I can get my husband to wake up perhaps we have a big enuf animal cage to put her in We have a heated garage but there are 30 parrots in there...I don't know if Chicken "Speckles" is contagious . I guess we both need answers I read to put Apple Cider vinegar, 2 TBLS , in a gallon of water and give her some. Also to sprinkle garlic powder on her food . I don't know how to check her for being egg bound. My husband probably will know. These hens I think were born about this time last year . I read to prevent (and maybe help now) to put 2 tbls of Apple Cider Vinegar in a gallon of water and administer to her...eye dropper ?
I am [email protected]
Thx...I pray our chickens recover !
It's possible she could be overrun with Cocci... I would start a round of Corid 9.6% liquid or 20% powder ASAP in her water.

9.6% is 2 Tablespoons liquid per gallon
20% is 1.5 Tablespoons powder per gallon

You can divide the dose accordingly to make half gallon or less for single chickens. Make a fresh batch daily.

Have you felt her crop? Does it feel full? Empty? Hard? Spongy?

Are there any masses in her abdomen? Does she feel like she's full of water or hard?

How are her poops?

If she's off her water, you may have to tube feed her to keep her hydrated, so she will survive long enough for the treatment to work.

Keep us posted!

I have read and reread your post. I adopted 2 chickens. 1 has already passed. The other was doing great. Laying regularly and has integrated into my little flock pretty well.
Yesterday she puffed up and started isolating.
This morning she is not moving.
I have felt her little body...just feels limp.
I went and got CoridV
Mixed as per above directions.
She let me assist her in taking 5 syringes this morning.
How often should I do this?
Thank you so much for helping those of us with less experience
I have read and reread your post. I adopted 2 chickens. 1 has already passed. The other was doing great. Laying regularly and has integrated into my little flock pretty well.
Yesterday she puffed up and started isolating.
This morning she is not moving.
I have felt her little body...just feels limp.
I went and got CoridV
Mixed as per above directions.
She let me assist her in taking 5 syringes this morning.
How often should I do this?
Thank you so much for helping those of us with less experience
This is an old thread, and Mrs. B has not been online in a few years. Do you have Corid liquid or the powder? Corid is to be given in the water. Dosage is 2 tsp (10 ml) of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5 days. You can give some undiluted Corid orally 0.5 ml for a 5 pound hen once a day, in addition to the treated water. Coccidiosis is more common in young chickens under 3 months old. In older chickens I would suspect a reproductive issue or crop problem. Is her crop empty by morning?
I have the same problem . Our hen has been in a box for 2 days. I don't know if she is eating or drinking. There are 4 other hens. I can't separate her without my husbands help..he is sleeping. We only have one heat lamp.She is close to the heat lamp )She is in a metal cage outside. I put her as she was in a wooden box as close to the heat lamp as I could. Other than wanting to be inactive she doesn't seem to have problems. I saw poop for the first time with white poop in it.
If I can get my husband to wake up perhaps we have a big enuf animal cage to put her in We have a heated garage but there are 30 parrots in there...I don't know if Chicken "Speckles" is contagious . I guess we both need answers I read to put Apple Cider vinegar, 2 TBLS , in a gallon of water and give her some. Also to sprinkle garlic powder on her food . I don't know how to check her for being egg bound. My husband probably will know. These hens I think were born about this time last year . I read to prevent (and maybe help now) to put 2 tbls of Apple Cider Vinegar in a gallon of water and administer to her...eye dropper ?
I am [email protected]
Thx...I pray our chickens recover !
Welcome to BYC. This is an old thread, and you may want to start a new thread of your own in the emergency forum, for more attention and answers. We get confused when others post on old threads. I will read your new thread. Here is where to post a thread:

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