My "boyfriend" isn't doing so well... UPDATE

Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you will miss him.
Hello, wow, he has had a great life with you ~ 16 thats fantastic. We call these birds "budgies" here.

You can talk about him as much as you like, we are here for you, i do hope you both can get through this peacefully.
Just snuggle him and tell him you love him. These birds are really good at reading minds too.
God bless your little one, he is a dear little old man now.
My mom has two keets at her house and I have a quaker parrot and a lovebird - so I know how much they become a part of the family and when gone how much they can be missed.

I know when he does have to leave you - you will miss him but you have great memory's of him and photos of the two of you together and you can be very happy knowing that he had such a long and happy life and was spoiled.

Keep him comfortable , and let him know that if he has to leave that you will be alright and that you love him and will miss him.
I do hope that when the time comes he just falls asleep and drifts away.
I am so sorry you have to say good-bye to your boyfriend.

You should be proud that you have done such a great job taking care of your old guy. Feel free to talk anytime here about your Pikus - you know everyone here understands how much these feathered beings can work their way into our hearts!
Thank you all so very much for you kind words and prayers. I deeply appreciate it.

Right now there isn't a huge change in him. He's still doing poorly, but not any worse...which is good, I guess.
He is such a strong little bird and still has a lot of fight left in him. His body is failing him but his mind and heart are still as strong as always.

This weekend we're downing down to Virginia to spend Christmas with some of our relatives. If he's still around, we're taking him with us. I'd really rather not put him through the stress of driving for 7 hours, but I want to be there for him, especially when he does pass away.

Again, thank you for your support and I will keep you all updated on his progress. (I will post a few of those pictures on here too once I can get them up loaded.)
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I just wanted to give everyone who followed this thread the update...

he passed away December 23rd on our way to Virginia.

The morning we were leaving we knew he wasn't going to make it much longer. He had no energy whatsoever; he was just laying in in the bottom of his cage on his side, barely breathing. We packed him up and took him with us anyways...we didn't want him to be alone. For a portion of the drive I just held him; I spoke to him, kissed him, tried to keep him warm - he seemed very content. It was my turn to drive so I put him back in his nest in his carrier. When I check on his, he was gone.

We just got back home today. I brought his little body back to bury him next to his "sisters" (our dog and chicken that passed away this past summer). I cut a tail feather for a keepsake.

The house isn't the same without his loud chirping. I miss him greatly, but at least his death was something I could prepare myself for. I'm happy knowing that he lived a very very fully life and that we got to hold him one last time.

the promised pictures - Our '"cuddle moment":





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