my black Australorps.... HENS OR ROOS? ( 8- 10 weeks old)


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
hey guys these are my babies they arre around 8- 10 weeks old i was just woundering if you could tell me the sex of them

sorry fbut not the best photos :)

these are 2 diffrent chickens ( best photos we could get thanks for any help thats given :)
yea... we know one of them is a rooster beuse we have heard the ''crowing'' but we cant figure out wich one.. we think there both roos though
I would guess both males.

Here is our BA at about that age, much smaller comb.

and here is one of our roosters at 9 weeks. I also notice the males are considerably heavier than the girls at about the same age.

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