"Mutt" chickens ....

The birds on this thread are so cool I love seeing all the different colours and feathering!!
Good Job everyone, for participating!!!
I was given this little one because "the light colored ones get gotten by predators" at his place. He thought it was a Barred Rock x Red sex link. I don't know for sure what he is. He's got some of the most gorgeous blue/green sheen in his tail feathers. I want to add EEs to my flock so he's not destined to stay (thus, his name).
Nugget at only a month or so old

Nugget now...4 1/2 months old and I still haven't heard him crow.

And he's there in the background

In the foreground is my EE roo (handsom Hansel),
and a banty OEGB pullet that keeps escaping the banty pen to be with the big girls. She's started laying and doesn't like her nest box, so she escapes, lays her egg with the big girls' eggs, then goes back to her pen. If I didn't keep finding her eggs in the nest box, I'd think she finally decided to keep to her own kind. Once the other bantys start laying (next spring since days are getting shorter and colder), I think she will finally stay in her pen.

Mutts are like a box of chocolate! If anyone is near sanford nc I have chicks off my flock available of EE roo polish roo blue red laced wyandotte hen sebright hen 2 true ameracauna hens blue andalusian hen 2 standard old english hens and a white cornish x redstar hen the pics are my breeder roos and a new young pair of ee roos not yet bred
These two were sold to me as brother and sister
They were supposed to be full silkies, but obviously aren't
They're my prettiest ones yet though! :)
Just not sure what their mixed with .

Skye & Brody

I have a lot of mutts. This one was born today and has to be the cutest chick I have ever seen.

It's head has green feathers and it's back is red white and black I can't wait to see it gets it's real feathers!

I have 2 Roos a Jerzy giant and a mutt Cochin bantam. As far as hens I have mostly EE muts but who knows. Lol
Can I get bluer eggs with mutts? Or more colorful? And what is difference in mutt and cross? Thanks!
I don't know about the eggs as I never pay much attention to how pretty they are they all taste the same lol but the way I look at it some would say a mutt is the same as a cross because its not pure, like in dogs but like I tell everyone you can't start a new breed without crossing breeds so that being said I look at crosses differently because I call crosses a mix of two or more pure breeds with a certain goal or look in mind for example if I did a cross of two breeds I'd have to sell the offspring I didn't want as mutt unless someone else was interested in that same cross I'd call the ones I kept crosses until several generations down the road if I got them to breed true then you give it a name and hope it catches on lol but this is just my thaughts
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