Must give away seven PET chickens-TX

Gulf Coast, you say? How about New Orleans?

I am looking for a new flock of pet chickens to replace my first flock, which turned out to be ALL roosters. We've been nursing our broken hearts for the last few months and are finally ready to start again.

I've had this huge dilemma, though, because of wanting to be able to ensure that I'm getting girls (our neighbors pressured us with legal moves if we let the crowing continue), needing to have a flock size that will be happy in our backyard(too small to get a shipment from a hatcherie), and wanting them young so that we can handle them early and help them become the loving pets that we want (which rules out the ability to be sure they are girls if we wanted to get them from most poultry farms in our area).
So, honey, you may have just answered our prayers.
It's about 6 hours between Spring and New Orleans. Maybe we could even meet somewhere in the middle to avoid having to put them through the shipping process? (Our "girls" evacuated with us for Hurricane Gustav and they did remarkably well in the car.)

Please consider my family when you make your decision. I know the heartbreak of having to give them up. You should hear some of the schemes I planned to try to keep our "girls" here with us. (Eventually we smuggled them into a bird sanctuary in the middle of the night! They are quite happy now, and we can visit them, which is some conselation.)

For now, I also suggest that you use your 30 days making sure that the HOA isn't just full of hot air. Sounds like your girls are worth fighting for.

Please keep us posted on what you find out. I'll be here with open arms if you confirm that they can't stay with you anymore.

Best wishes,
I'm not sure if you have found a home for your chickens yet, but I am in College Station, and would be very interested in them. We are a family who is new to the area who is looking to get some chickens as (forever) pets. We got some chicks last week, but we would love to have some hens as well.

We are in the process of designing and building a coop, but may be interested in yours if you are looking to sell it. Good luck finding the perfect home for your girls... I know how hard it can be to get rid of a beloved pet.
I live in a neighborhood with an HOA, they won't let me keep my chickies here either. Kind of stupid, considering the nextdoor neighbor to one of the board members has a pig! Just an idea, if you really don't want to get rid of your girls, I board my chickens at the stable where my horse is. They have their own 20' x 20' outside stall, where they live in a tractor. I don't get to see them every day, but I am there at least twice a week. I don't have to pay anything, I just split the eggs with the Stable Manager, we call it Chicken Rent.
Do you still have the chickens? I live in North Central Tx. I dont know how far I am from you. I have a few chickens always room for more. We built a huge coop. Let me know. Thanks!!
Can I have just ONE? I wanted to have eight hens a laying, but lost one as a chick. I would drive to Spring from the Dallas area if I could get one more. It probably would not be fair to the bird except it would be living in the lap of luxury with my 7 pullets. Does anyone with experience think they would get along? I can't stand another pecking problem.

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