Moving hen and new chicks to different coop?


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 27, 2015
I want to move a hen with 6 chicks to a different coop. The chicks are 3 days old today. They are in a divided part of the main coop (w 10 chickens) because broody mama insisted on using a nest in that coop. The main coop is maxed out, and I want the new ones to live permanently in our ’blue’ coop which is empty. Its run can be closed off from the flock, so it is ideal for this situation. (Main coop is 9 X 5. Blue coop is 4 X 4. )
This hen’s eggs all quit, so I got these chicks and slipped them under her Fri. evening. I was so relieved it was a success. Yesterday morning I was beyond thrilled to see them bonding. I had to move them out of a high nest to a divided area right below. It was traumatic for them all and I didn’t know if it would disrupt the adoption but it didn’t. I hate to disturb them again. The chicks are bantams and very fast. Mama is outraged if I touch her or them.
btw she has used this blue coop before, when she hatched a single baby. It is very familiar to her. It is cooler and we have temps in the 100’s forecast For the next 2 wks. The coop and its run has easier access than their little apartment in the main coop.
If anyone has experience, tips, or advice, I’d appreciate it! THANKS!!!!
Violetta and her bantam EE babies:
If she has already been with the chicks for a few days, and accepted them, I would not expect any problems. Just move them and be done with the matter. They will all be upset while it happens. But after they are all together in the new place, they should settle down quite quickly, probably within a few minutes.

It is probably easier and safer to pick up the hen first (make sure to not squish any chicks), then grab the chicks. You can put the chicks with the hen in a box to carry them, or just carry them in your hands to the new coop (hen first, then come back for the chicks, and take as many trips as you need to get them all.)
Thanks @NatJ !
OK, I did it! I got them out of the cramped hot space and moved them to the empty coop. Like you said, within minutes mama and chicks were happy, stretching their legs and wings, eating, and drinking. They have 16+ sq feet with an open door for ventilation. And I have my chicken-watching chair right outside in the shade. I can sit there with my iced tea and watch the happy family. 😌


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