Moving, and need advice on predator proofing


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2020
So I am getting ready to move. I have heard there are cougars in the area, and pretty sure one was spotted on the property last week. And I know there are raccoons, and weasels as well as I'm sure coyotes and Foxes. I've dealt with coyotes, Foxes, and possums at this current place. But how do I protect against the other predators listed above? I've got some portable electric fence I plan on using temporarily until I can get something a little more permanent. But that's not going to stop something big and wanting a midnight snack. And also, a friend of mine has Australian shepherd mix puppies, I'm wanting one, but I don't know much about them. I'll need a dog or something to look after my flock on days that I have to work and I'm not home to keep an eye on them. How are Australian shepherds with chickens?

Tia! *if this helps, located in TN somewhere. 😆

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