If your chickens are interested let them eat them. There are many ways to kill the mice, often times the easiest way to kill a trapped animal is just drop the trap in water and wait ten minutes.
I've not tried it yet, but if you are interested in using the snap traps and do not want to take a chance that one of your chickens will be accidentally injured, you can take a small plastic bin with a really tight fitting lid and place the traps and bait inside the box and cut very small holes or "doors" for the mice to enter; replace the lid, and tadaaa, you have a secure hen-safety mouse trap. You can place this plastic box trap directly in the coop without worrying that the chickens will have access to the traps. Just lift the lid and dispose. If you are afraid the chickens will move the box or sit on top of it, just get a plastic bin big enough to put a brick in to keep it stable. Best of luck :)
While i was cleaning the coop i found a mouse! I have my waterer on top of cinder blocks to keep in cleaner, and it was living in one of the holes, all cozy in the shavings. It was a BIG mouse. I'm not exaggerating because i am not afraid of mice. We found another on the other day (which is rare...we have cats) Its only two but one and one can have a ton....Will this turn into a problem? what should i do about it?

This post was a while back, but wait till one of your chickens catches one! Everyone else wants it, too. The insane game of "HA! I got your mouse, or whatever, and you can't have it back". Well, not unless someone else does first. Hilarious. I say laughter is the best medicine and these birds are an excellent source. I'd love to know who the Jackass is that said chickens have no personality or that you can't make a pet out of one. Obviously, a narrow-minded one. You could have identical ones and still be able to tell them apart by their actions. Yeah, I'm obsessed...
Mice can be pests. Some will get in te feed and mess with it, others will mess with eggs or both. What I'm really afraid of is them transmitting disease. Not sure if it's possible it may be. Your cats should get the mice if not just keep them out of the coop.

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