Mountain Quail

Emerson DeCurtins

In the Brooder
Aug 6, 2022
I’m considering getting some Mountain Quail. I currently have California Quail and Coturnix Quail that live together in a Giant aviary. Will Mountain Quail be fine living with them? Do Mountain Quail mate in pairs? Are Mountain Quail calmer than California Quail? I have a 8x8 ft coop and a 12x8 ft run for them. I’m keeping 18 Coturnix and 3 pairs of California Quail mates in there.
That's kinda on the small size for those quail. Mountain quail are the largest of the 'New World' quail.
They require a little bit more attention than other species of quail. Young hatchlings are prone to pasty butt. Require a 24% protein feed ration.
Mine are not flighty but can't just pick them up either!
I house mine in a 320sq.ft. enclosure, and have 6 pairs in the enclosure.
That's kinda on the small size for those quail. Mountain quail are the largest of the 'New World' quail.
They require a little bit more attention than other species of quail. Young hatchlings are prone to pasty butt. Require a 24% protein feed ration.
Mine are not flighty but can't just pick them up either!
I house mine in a 320sq.ft. enclosure, and have 6 pairs in the enclosure.
Will they be friendly with my Coturnix and Californias?
That depends on the birds. Some birds get along fine with other's, some not so much!
It is better to have seperate enclosures for the different species. Mountain quail speak a different language than Coturnix quail and have different requirements.

If you do mix them, it will probably result in the Cot's getting the "raw end of the deal". If you're willing to take that risk, then try it but be ready and have another enclosure ready to seperate them when things go 'south'....I highly recommend not having a community enclosure.

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