mother left chicks


15 Years
May 25, 2008
Does a mother leave her chicks after they reach a certain age? I've seen it here many times. When the chicks are several weeks or months old, the mother leaves her babies. The strange thing is I never see the mother again. She sort of just - disappears. Is this common?
The mother just disappears, never to be seen again? Sounds like something got her.

Mothers normally will leave or drive away their chicks, often around 6 weeks old or so.
There are mongoose that attacks the eggs and little chicks. I've recently heard from a neighbor that she's seen a Hawaiian Hawk come swooping down and pick up a full grown chick, but I don't think that hawk could pick up the mother.

You could be right. I noticed that one of her chicks is injured. Something happened to the wing.

She was a beautiful caring mother. It's been two days since I've last seen her - I hope she reappears. Do you think she could be possibly laying again? I appreciate hearing from you. It helps me to understand chickens better and also knowing what other predators we may have around our neighborhood.

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