Mother cat abandoned four kittens in our attic... does anyone here have any advice?

I actually deal with this quite a lot I’ve got four babies right now and this is my third litter I’ve dealt with this year these I got it about a day old mother was killed. Definitely take a warm damp cloth and wipe and stimulate their little bums if they have little teeth you can start them on baby food it’s soft kitten food or you can make some as well using chicken broth no sodium chicken or beef after being blended in a blender. Goats milk is great do not give them Cow milk. you can buy stuff that they sell at the store for newborn kittens. If you don’t plan on keeping them contact a rescue they will usually take them and put them into a foster care. You could put a heating pad on very very low with a blanket over it and them on top of it to help keep them warm if you have anymore questions feel free to message me
A cat from a feral cat population down the road decided to move her kittens into our attic. Not the first time it's happened, this cat usually brings them back to the neighbors who feed the population. I noticed they started screaming insistently on Monday. We had a storm that day, so I thought the mother would come back yesterday after it was over. But she didn't. I took the kittens down and brought them to the neighbors, thinking the mother might come and nurse them. Found the mother cat, but she wanted nothing to do with them. 😬 And they were so hungry.

It looks like they are between three and four weeks old. They have a few teeth, but they don't seem to be ready to be weaned just yet. First thing, we are going to go get kitten milk today. All we had on hand was cow milk, so we mixed that with a little bit of water last night and tried to get them to drink some because they were dehydrated and needed something. I also know they are infested with fleas, so we are giving a Dawn flea bath today too. I've been looking at Kitten Lady's videos on YouTube, which are really helpful, but there is so much to take in.

After feeding them kitten milk and giving them a Dawn flea bath, what else do I need to consider? Any advice?
Just some advice for the future, please never ever use cows milk for anything no matter what. People try to feed it to animals and wildlife they find all the time but there are very few animals that can actually digest it.

It can actually make them more sick because it can cause diarrhea & dehydrate them. You can use goats milk in a pinch.
It must be something in the air... my oldest son found a sopping wet kitten outside the barn screaming when he was doing chores. It ran over to him, it's the same size as the ones you found... He's been feeding and cuddling it all night. We settled it in a box in the bathroom, with an old towel, a heating pad, a stuffed toy and a mirror.
He just went out again to check again, if there were any more. He found it's sibling dead, and he couldn't find anymore.
None of the barn cats wanted it, they hissed at it or ignored it. :(
Awww, poor little thing! Glad your son found the little guy.

So cute! They look about 4 to maybe 5 weeks at the oldest. Definitely old enough to offer canned food mixed with formula and I would also give them a shallow litter pan with non clumping litter in it. They may not be quite ready to use it yet but they will be soon. It’s important to make sure it’s non clumping though since it can be dangerous if they accidentally eat the clumping kind.
I'm so glad to know this. One of them chewed the end of the nipple off. 😬 (Realized it before she swallowed it though.) I figured that one is pretty much ready to be weaned. 😅

I don't have any that isn't clumping. Will play sand (like for a sandbox) work? I have a bag of that.

Im glad you guys managed to save at least one. Unfortunately people around here like to dump animals anywhere they see a barn or shed. We’ve ended up with several animals because of this.
Same here. Also have neighbors pretty much breeding them, and out here in the middle of nowhere, there isn't anything anyone will do.

We have barn cats, we inherited all of our cats because they were here and we can't afford to fix them all. Also people have dumped them here. :( I really wish scientists would come up with a sterilization shot for cats and that it would be more affordable.
Unfortunately its not a priority.
That would be AMAZING. I really hope they can do that, it would save so much heartache and suffering.

Awww, how adorable! She looks like the kitten I have who chewed the end of the bottle's nipple off earlier today.

I actually deal with this quite a lot I’ve got four babies right now and this is my third litter I’ve dealt with this year these I got it about a day old mother was killed.
Wow, that's a lot! So you foster them? How easy was it to find them homes after you fostered them? Sorry the current ones lost their mom so young. 😢

Definitely take a warm damp cloth and wipe and stimulate their little bums
Got one to pee. Another pooped and I don't know if it was because I did anything. She did it when I wasn't stimulating.

if they have little teeth you can start them on baby food it’s soft kitten food or you can make some as well using chicken broth no sodium chicken or beef after being blended in a blender.
Good to know! We just cooked some chicken and have the chicken broth, no added spices or salt.

Goats milk is great do not give them Cow milk. you can buy stuff that they sell at the store for newborn kittens.
I bought the newborn kitten stuff. Didn't know they could have goat milk.

If you don’t plan on keeping them contact a rescue they will usually take them and put them into a foster care.
I'm going to attempt it, but in the middle of nowhere, the rescues are always full and they won't take kittens outside the city limits, even if you live in the county they have control over. This is why the cats are even here, breeding. They won't do a catch and release program out here.

You could put a heating pad on very very low with a blanket over it and them on top of it to help keep them warm if you have anymore questions feel free to message me
I have a cat heating pad I bought for my previous rescue, Jackie. I'm using it. Jackie never liked it anyway. These kittens love it.

Wow, this is crazy, I raised hand 7 puppies from day one once and a couple other things but never kittens! if you ever run into any problems with the wee things, depending on your location I'd be happy to take them on :)
Aww, that's awesome you could do that! 🤩 I've never had to do it with puppies, but when we had a wild dog population (they ended up dying of old age and I tamed the puppies out of it), the puppies all had mothers.

I'm in south-central Arkansas. They aren't a problem, but I can't keep them. I have six left from the 40+ feral cat population I took care of (the ones these kittens are from is another one) and one kitten I rescued from the population in 2018. Her name is Jackie. She is the one I mentioned here before that I didn't socialize. Which is why I can't keep them. Jackie sees them as little rats that she wants to kill. 😳 If you're close enough, I'd totally give them to you. Three ate / drank well, the fourth is having issues and we're going to the vet tomorrow.
@BesideStillWaters could you post a still pic or two, at this hour of night I can't get videos for some reason. I think all my neighbors are watching Netflix and using up the available data (I live in the boonies).
Sure, I'll do that soon as I grab my phone. I was going to share a bit ago, but the little things started screaming for more food and I got distracted by helping my mom try to shove the nipple in the mouths. 😆


Just some advice for the future, please never ever use cows milk for anything no matter what. People try to feed it to animals and wildlife they find all the time but there are very few animals that can actually digest it.
I knew they couldn't digest it well, but I didn't realize it was so bad. Thank you. I plan to keep the leftover powder kitten milk in the fridge (not mixed up) in case it happens again. It should keep a while this way.

It can actually make them more sick because it can cause diarrhea & dehydrate them. You can use goats milk in a pinch.
Oh no, that's terrible! Thankfully they didn't drink much of it. And we mixed a lot of water with it. Good to know about goat milk!
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Awww, poor little thing! Glad your son found the little guy.

I'm so glad to know this. One of them chewed the end of the nipple off. 😬 (Realized it before she swallowed it though.) I figured that one is pretty much ready to be weaned. 😅

I don't have any that isn't clumping. Will play sand (like for a sandbox) work? I have a bag of that.

Same here. Also have neighbors pretty much breeding them, and out here in the middle of nowhere, there isn't anything anyone will do.

That would be AMAZING. I really hope they can do that, it would save so much heartache and suffering.

Awww, how adorable! She looks like the kitten I have who chewed the end of the bottle's nipple off earlier today.

Wow, that's a lot! So you foster them? How easy was it to find them homes after you fostered them? Sorry the current ones lost their mom so young. 😢

Got one to pee. Another pooped and I don't know if it was because I did anything. She did it when I wasn't stimulating.

Good to know! We just cooked some chicken and have the chicken broth, no added spices or salt.

I bought the newborn kitten stuff. Didn't know they could have goat milk.

I'm going to attempt it, but in the middle of nowhere, the rescues are always full and they won't take kittens outside the city limits, even if you live in the county they have control over. This is why the cats are even here, breeding. They won't do a catch and release program out here.

I have a cat heating pad I bought for my previous rescue, Jackie. I'm using it. Jackie never liked it anyway. These kittens love it.

Aww, that's awesome you could do that! 🤩 I've never had to do it with puppies, but when we had a wild dog population (they ended up dying of old age and I tamed the puppies out of it), the puppies all had mothers.

I'm in south-central Arkansas. They aren't a problem, but I can't keep them. I have six left from the 40+ feral cat population I took care of (the ones these kittens are from is another one) and one kitten I rescued from the population in 2018. Her name is Jackie. She is the one I mentioned here before that I didn't socialize. Which is why I can't keep them. Jackie sees them as little rats that she wants to kill. 😳 If you're close enough, I'd totally give them to you. Three ate / drank well, the fourth is having issues and we're going to the vet tomorrow.

Sure, I'll do that soon as I grab my phone. I was going to share a bit ago, but the little things started screaming for more food and I got distracted by helping my mom try to shove the nipple in the mouths. 😆

I knew they couldn't digest it well, but I didn't realize it was so bad. Thank you. I plan to keep the leftover powder kitten milk in the fridge (not mixed up) in case it happens again. It should keep a while this way.

Oh no, that's terrible! Thankfully they didn't drink much of it. And we mixed a lot of water with it. Good to know about goat milk!
Yes I found them homes and no it wasn’t easy as I am VERY protective of where they go. I make sure they go to indoor homes and the adopters have to have them spayed or neutered by 6 months old.
I to live in the middle of no where and there are lots of Ferals and ass—— who dump their cats. Plus everyone who knows me knows I will rescue anything and everything… lol I can’t say no. I moved here a few years back and have had to deal with this a lot ever sense. I use to live in Las Vegas so didn’t have this issue to much. Out here in the middle of no where it’s seems like it is constant. New born kittens are the hardest to keep alive (had to learn a lot really fast). I had never delt with new borns before I cam here.
Keep stimulating their lil bums a few times a day luckily they are about 4-5 weeks so it’s not like when they are new borns when it’s every few hours.
Awww, poor little thing! Glad your son found the little guy.

I'm so glad to know this. One of them chewed the end of the nipple off. 😬 (Realized it before she swallowed it though.) I figured that one is pretty much ready to be weaned. 😅

I don't have any that isn't clumping. Will play sand (like for a sandbox) work? I have a bag of that.

Same here. Also have neighbors pretty much breeding them, and out here in the middle of nowhere, there isn't anything anyone will do.

That would be AMAZING. I really hope they can do that, it would save so much heartache and suffering.

Awww, how adorable! She looks like the kitten I have who chewed the end of the bottle's nipple off earlier today.

Wow, that's a lot! So you foster them? How easy was it to find them homes after you fostered them? Sorry the current ones lost their mom so young. 😢

Got one to pee. Another pooped and I don't know if it was because I did anything. She did it when I wasn't stimulating.

Good to know! We just cooked some chicken and have the chicken broth, no added spices or salt.

I bought the newborn kitten stuff. Didn't know they could have goat milk.

I'm going to attempt it, but in the middle of nowhere, the rescues are always full and they won't take kittens outside the city limits, even if you live in the county they have control over. This is why the cats are even here, breeding. They won't do a catch and release program out here.

I have a cat heating pad I bought for my previous rescue, Jackie. I'm using it. Jackie never liked it anyway. These kittens love it.

Aww, that's awesome you could do that! 🤩 I've never had to do it with puppies, but when we had a wild dog population (they ended up dying of old age and I tamed the puppies out of it), the puppies all had mothers.

I'm in south-central Arkansas. They aren't a problem, but I can't keep them. I have six left from the 40+ feral cat population I took care of (the ones these kittens are from is another one) and one kitten I rescued from the population in 2018. Her name is Jackie. She is the one I mentioned here before that I didn't socialize. Which is why I can't keep them. Jackie sees them as little rats that she wants to kill. 😳 If you're close enough, I'd totally give them to you. Three ate / drank well, the fourth is having issues and we're going to the vet tomorrow.

Sure, I'll do that soon as I grab my phone. I was going to share a bit ago, but the little things started screaming for more food and I got distracted by helping my mom try to shove the nipple in the mouths. 😆

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I knew they couldn't digest it well, but I didn't realize it was so bad. Thank you. I plan to keep the leftover powder kitten milk in the fridge (not mixed up) in case it happens again. It should keep a while this way.

Oh no, that's terrible! Thankfully they didn't drink much of it. And we mixed a lot of water with it. Good to know about goat milk!
The safest thing you can probably try is shredded newspaper. Not the adds because of the slick material. I can’t find any information one way or another on sand. If you do use sand I wouldn’t leave it in there when you can’t keep an eye on them. I can’t find any info about whether or not it’s safe for small kitttens but it is safe for adult cats. Someone else might know though.
A cat from a feral cat population down the road decided to move her kittens into our attic. Not the first time it's happened, this cat usually brings them back to the neighbors who feed the population. I noticed they started screaming insistently on Monday. We had a storm that day, so I thought the mother would come back yesterday after it was over. But she didn't. I took the kittens down and brought them to the neighbors, thinking the mother might come and nurse them. Found the mother cat, but she wanted nothing to do with them. 😬 And they were so hungry.

It looks like they are between three and four weeks old. They have a few teeth, but they don't seem to be ready to be weaned just yet. First thing, we are going to go get kitten milk today. All we had on hand was cow milk, so we mixed that with a little bit of water last night and tried to get them to drink some because they were dehydrated and needed something. I also know they are infested with fleas, so we are giving a Dawn flea bath today too. I've been looking at Kitten Lady's videos on YouTube, which are really helpful, but there is so much to take in.

After feeding them kitten milk and giving them a Dawn flea bath, what else do I need to consider? Any advice?
You have to get little pads of cotton balls and soak them in water, squeeze it out and wipe their genital area. It stimulates the bladder to pee and then they don’t get kidney issues. I’ve done this with all the kittens that have lost their mummy’s. You only have to do this for a couple weeks or less u til they do it naturally. Good luck.
Just some advice for the future, please never ever use cows milk for anything no matter what. People try to feed it to animals and wildlife they find all the time but there are very few animals that can actually digest it.

It can actually make them more sick because it can cause diarrhea & dehydrate them. You can use goats milk in a pinch.
Funny world, isn’t it?

Almost every other critter can handle goat’s milk better than cow’s milk. And most experienced goatherders recommend cow’s milk over commercial goat milk replacer for kids (if you don’t have access to a lactating doe).

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