More than one hen per tom?


13 Years
Jul 8, 2010
Can you have more than one hen turkey when you only have one tom? I lost my bourbon red hen last year and the only hen i could find was a grey slate, she and tom are getting along fine. but i really would like to have another bourbon red hen. can you have two hens and only one tom?
I would. My tom has two girls, and it isnt enough. He is constantly trying to get his mack on with the chickens. Woe to any small child that sits on the ground too long.
Tommy isn't that bad. LOL He has never bothered any of my chickens. And no small kids, so no worries there.

LOL @ get his mack on.

I had a young tom turkey that tried to get his mack on with a chicken and he was macked out to the nearest farm in less than 48 hours. No macking at my place.
I brooded the turkeys with a bunch of chickens. As far as he's concerned, the ladies are all fair game.
I have had good fertility with one lucky tom with 26 girls before. Most of my breeding pens have 17 to 20 girls per tom depending on what I am breeding for. I do keep lots of toms but they stay in my tom pen. I take them out as I need them.
I have this visual of a turkey dispenser. Like a Pez dispenser, only poopier.

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