Momma not sitting on them! We moved her this AM.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 22, 2011
We moved the one main hen and 6 eggs to a dog pen within their caged area. Momma has not been on them. We put them in the nesting area we made in the pen and she moved them out into the sun in groups of 2 but won't sit. Are we doomed? Due: Saturday and each day following for 6 days. Does she know what she is doing or should we try indoor with lights? Help!
I think it depends on the hen, some can be moved and it doesnt phase them and some I think will totally stop sitting if you disrupt them. What if you put her back where she was and see what happens? Can you make an enclosure around her old nest and then after they hatch move them?
I'll tell you what I did... I prepared a dog carrier with a smaller cardboard box as a nest. The night I moved my broody, I went to check about one hour later and she was laying outside the nest. I put her back, closed the nest with some cardboard and put some bricks behind it so she could not open - making sure it had enough ventilation. the next morning, when I went to check on her, she was sitting on the golf balls (I still didn't have the fertilized eggs).

Two nights later I put the fertilized eggs under her, again closing the nest opening with cardboard to make sure she would not leave the nest during the night. Today is day 4, and so far, she's doing a great job!
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Thanks! Both ideas were good, so we decided to return her and the eggs to her original nesting area and tomorrow AM we'll enclose it so little chicks can't fall... no chicks yet. We're leaving the dog pen and all the things in it and the little ones can eventually use it.... if they hatch!

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