Moldy Kalmbach


Free Ranging
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
Getting near the bottom (about 1/5 of the bag is left) of a bag of Kalmbach pellets ~ I'm alarmed to find mold! I am very confused by the stamp that I assume has a date in it, somewhere. I will share label of the bag that is moldy, and the label of the bag I just opened and fed from, instead. Also - my storage area.

I purchased these bags of food from a local feed store, where I pull up around the back, storage area (back of the store), and they load it in the car for me. I never thought to ask the date on the bag - shame on me


New bag...

Storage inside lidded, aluminum can, still inside original feed bag, inside a dry, plastic shed


Is this my fault? Or the feed store's fault?

Edit to add: Just to make sure the new bag had no mold - I poured the contents into an old, empty bag - that was still in the shed, and inspected, as I poured. It was a mold-free bag
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I wouldn't be pouring new feed into an older bag just for that reason you dont know what can grow in the older bag that may have dampness in it some w here. Plus does that metal can sit inthe sunlight any where? IF it gets hot thats not good for the feed.
The date stamp of the first one is 23109 which as I understand how it works is April 19th 2023.
So it wasn’t very old when you bought it. If it got damp in storage however then it could easily mold.
The date stamp of the first one is 23109 which as I understand how it works is April 19th 2023.
So it wasn’t very old when you bought it. If it got damp in storage however then it could easily mold.
This is what confuses me. How do you get April 19th from this number?

Oh, wait - 23 (the year) and 109 days so far in that year?
If that isn't a confusing way to do it!

Would that make bag 2 - June 9th?
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I wouldn't be pouring new feed into an older bag just for that reason you dont know what can grow in the older bag that may have dampness in it some w here. Plus does that metal can sit inthe sunlight any where? IF it gets hot thats not good for the feed.
I checked the old, empty bag, carefully. It was bone dry and had no mold. I remember reading somewhere - not to pour the feed directly into an aluminum can - but to leave it in its original bag. Then the aluminum is can is ok for storage. I wanted the aluminum because it's more critter proof.
No - the can gets no sunlight. It sits inside a plastic shed. Like one of those Rubbermaid sheds
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This is what confuses me. How do you get April 19th from this number?
The Julian calendar lists dates from 1 to 365.
First it gives the year, 23, followed by the day. 191 is July 10.
Once I saw a sign on a display of Kalmbach feeds warning that ‘the bags are not waterproof’. Which could mean moisture got in yours somewhere along the line…
I buy Kalmbach and my chickens love it. I have not received a moldy product. My most recent bag was dated 23200. Which is July 19! I was so pleased.
The Julian calendar lists dates from 1 to 365.
First it gives the year, 23, followed by the day. 191 is July 10.
Once I saw a sign on a display of Kalmbach feeds warning that ‘the bags are not waterproof’. Which could mean moisture got in yours somewhere along the line…
I buy Kalmbach and my chickens love it. I have not received a moldy product. My most recent bag was dated 23200. Which is July 19! I was so pleased.
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Thank you. I'm going to print off your calendars. I wonder if I should mention this to the feed store. My storage shed is so dry. Perhaps it happened in their storage area
I see the can is on the floor. Is the floor rubber or bricks, I can't tell. I thought people who used metal cans usually raised them on wood blocks or something because of condensation.
How did this deliberately obscure way of indicating the date get lumbered with Caesar's name? It is not what is recognised as the Julian calendar in astronomical or horological circles.

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