Moisture barrier under sand


Jun 9, 2022
South Georgia
Hey folks, I'm rehabbing an old 50 plus year old barn/shed on our farm to use as my first chicken coop. I've noticed that lately that the inside dirt floor tends to be damp...I'm planning to use sand inside the coop and was curious if I should put down a moisture barrier underneath the sand before putting it down? I'll be putting in a hardware cloth floor under there as well to keep out the unwanted varmints. So I'm thinking...hardware cloth then barrier then sand??? It sits under a 100 year old Pecan tree in the shade all day if that matters...Thanks!!
You've left out your location on the planet which could greatly assist us in the advice we offer. I'll wait until you respond with information on location and climate and general weather and include your topography around your coop.

Do you have a run also? If so, what bedding do you plan in there?
I wouldn't. The chickens will dig down and tear it up. I would dig a french drain on the outside of the barn to catch and divert the run off from the roof. If that's out of your pay grade, just dig a 6" trench at the drip line. Catches the water and lets it soak into the ground.
If the barn on concrete footings? I never had problems with diggers. Mice yes but it's a barn
You will love the setup using a stall and it will easily hold 25 chickens.
Welcome to BYC. Where are you located? Climate matters, especially when it comes to housing.

Go out there when it's hella raining and take close look all around.

This is excellent advice.

No form of barrier or bedding can compensate for a drainage problem and a leak can eventually bring down the building.

Find the source and fix it and you'll be a lot happier over the long term. :)
You've left out your location on the planet which could greatly assist us in the advice we offer. I'll wait until you respond with information on location and climate and general weather and include your topography around your coop.

Do you have a run also? If so, what bedding do you plan in there?

I'm in South GA....humidity at 1000% most days. We are flat here...and it's been raining once a week lately,
Find out where the "damp" is coming from...ground water, roof leak, etc.
Go out there when it's hella raining and take close look all around.

Brand new roof...been out there in the rain several times and there are no leaks. I really think it's may be the humidity since it really doesn't get any sun to speak of.
You've left out your location on the planet which could greatly assist us in the advice we offer. I'll wait until you respond with information on location and climate and general weather and include your topography around your coop.

Do you have a run also? If so, what bedding do you plan in there?

I will have a run's going to be a 20x10 dog kennel with a roof on far as bedding in there?? I don't know yet....most likely pine shavings
Ah, a water table within inches of the surface, sounds like. I wouldn't install a water barrier as it could aggravate the situation, promoting anaerobic bacteria which is worse than normal bacteria.

As others have stated, a good channeling of runoff would be your best approach. I wouldn't add anything to the normal dirt floor, allowing air curculation to allow moisture to rise and evaporate.

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