Mixing Grains for Feed verses Buying Corporate Crumbles...

There is absolutely nothing wrong in mixing your own feed. If I kept chickens in a coop and run I would mix my own feed. I free range so I hope that whatever shortcomings there is in the commercially produced feed are supplemented by the bugs and shoots that the chickens eat here.
There are some assumptions made about commercially produced feed. The first assumption is that it is designed to make chickens healthy. I've read nothing that supports that view. Commercial feed is designed to provide chickens with the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals to support life and maximize egg production. Given the vast majority of chickens are battery hens that will be killed as soon as their egg laying capacity starts to decline, their long term health isn't an issue the feed producers need to deal with.
Not all feeds are equal. You can get feeds based on animal and vegetable protein. I have my views on which type I believe is better for the chicken.
Not all feeds are suitable for all types of chickens at every life stage.
Then of course you have to wade through the horror stories which at times are written by the feed manufacturers or sites supported by them, about how ill your chicken is going to get if you don't feed them a particular feed.
The problem isn't so much getting the right amino acids in the diet, it's more about getting the balance of the ingredients right. You can get all eight amino acids and few to spare, by just feeding your chicken fish, or meat.
For me the most sensible option given I free range is to provide commercially produced feed should they want to eat it. Depending on season, weather, egg laying state, broodiness, moulting and doubtless many other factors their consumption of commercially produced feed varies enormously.
If one is prepared to do the research, take the time to makeup the feed, adjust the feed for the various conditions mentioned above then I can't see a problem.
Not all feeds are suitable for all types of chickens at every life stage.
Then of course you have to wade through the horror stories which at times are written by the feed manufacturers or sites supported by them, about how ill your chicken is going to get if you don't feed them a particular feed.
Or of course imaginative horror stories about the conspiracy by big chicken to get us to feed our chickens nutritionally incomplete food.

If one is prepared to do the research, take the time to makeup the feed, adjust the feed for the various conditions mentioned above then I can't see a problem.

Well for those of us not doing that it would be nice to see results and a nutritional analysis to see how to do it for ourselves.

My chickens free range also but have access to commercial food. The brand we purchased was recommended by an experienced chicken person. Now I’m wondering if big chicken is paying her to recommend this food? Well, anyway my chickens appear to be healthy weights for their breed and are otherwise okay except, of course, for La Pobre, Delores.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in mixing your own feed. ... If one is prepared to do the research, take the time to makeup the feed, adjust the feed for the various conditions mentioned above then I can't see a problem.

I would bet most people with small backyard flocks are not prepared to do the research, take the time to makeup the feed, and adjust the feed for the various conditions. That's why I rely on the commercial feed and give them chick starter, grower, or layer as they go through their growth stages. I'm not opposed to mixing your own feed, it's rather that I don't see much benefit for me and my small flock. Like most things, there are advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered for each person and their particular situation.
Thank you Gtaus, I appreciate your support.
@crazy4ChickensNducks To you I will Sincerely Apologize. It was not my intention to offend anyone. The problem with the Written Word is the Intent of the Author can be lost. Too much room for Misinterpretation. My playful Tongue-n-Cheek is another's Insult. I have been a Pro Chef and long time Culinary Educator. Engaging multiple Students for 4 hours classes required more than just regurgitation of Fact and Figures. The best learning experience happens not when a person is fed the info then left to memorize it. I Hated Studying Times Tables in Elementary School. The most learning happens when a person is led to Think about what this information is going to do for them, ask questions, share their experience and verify their interpretation of the matterial is correct.
I try not to spew facts and figures but get my readers involved. That may take the form of a challenge, being a little controversial or taking an Unpopular point of view, then seeing where the thread goes.
Thank You for your feeding formula. Depressed Chickens are no fun...JJ
I would bet most people with small backyard flocks are not prepared to do the research, take the time to makeup the feed, and adjust the feed for the various conditions. That's why I rely on the commercial feed and give them chick starter, grower, or layer as they go through their growth stages. I'm not opposed to mixing your own feed, it's rather that I don't see much benefit for me and my small flock. Like most things, there are advantages and disadvantages that need to be considered for each person and their particular situation.
I would agree wholeheartedly but it seems that in this case the OP is.
Thank you Gtaus, I appreciate your support.
@crazy4ChickensNducks To you I will Sincerely Apologize. It was not my intention to offend anyone. The problem with the Written Word is the Intent of the Author can be lost. Too much room for Misinterpretation. My playful Tongue-n-Cheek is another's Insult. I have been a Pro Chef and long time Culinary Educator. Engaging multiple Students for 4 hours classes required more than just regurgitation of Fact and Figures. The best learning experience happens not when a person is fed the info then left to memorize it. I Hated Studying Times Tables in Elementary School. The most learning happens when a person is led to Think about what this information is going to do for them, ask questions, share their experience and verify their interpretation of the matterial is correct.
I try not to spew facts and figures but get my readers involved. That may take the form of a challenge, being a little controversial or taking an Unpopular point of view, then seeing where the thread goes.
Thank You for your feeding formula. Depressed Chickens are no fun...JJ

how did you take away from my post that I was offended?

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