mites or molting?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
I have 16 hens of which 7 I av had only a month. I have noticed that some of the old hens which are a year old are not laying I'm only getting 6 out of 9 hens.I have noticed that most of the old 9 hens which are a year Old have red patches with no feathers around the vent area, on their neck and dont seem to be growing back. I was wondering if it was mites or molting because they are a year old. Any feedback and solutions welcome.

Molting usually starts at the head and you will visibly see pin feathers at the neck and head. The vent rarely goes bald during a molt and neither is the skin red. So I would say that yes, you have mites. These areas, around the neck and vent are common areas for mites to do their thing because the bird has a hard time reaching these areas.

Get yourself some permethrin spray or Sevin dust. The permethrin spray can be gotten in the parrot section of any pet store or on line, and the Sevin dust can be obtained in garden sections of many stores. Spray or dust the birds. Make sure to get down near the skin and not just on top of the feathers. You can blow the feathers back or gently pull them back as you apply the meds. Concentrate on the vent and behind the neck, along with the rest of the bird/birds. You can also use Ivermectin pour on. Put on the back of the neck. This can be found at most feed stores. It used to be a good wormer, but not so much anymore. But it works well on mites. The spray and dust will need to be repeated in 5 days. The Ivermectin is a one time thing.

You will also want to clean out your coop...all bedding, nest boxes, corners, everything. Spray or dust everywhere, including the roost bar and underneath it. Mites love to lay their eggs under the roost bar. You will need to repeat this clean up in 5 to 7 days as well.

Good luck with you birds. Mites can suck the life right out of your birds.
Also, often when they do have external parasites, they also have internal parasites. Internal worms will drain the life right out of chickens and will kill them eventually. And over load of worms will prevent them from laying. If you do suspect worms, you can offer up some Wazine in the water for one full day. 2 tablespoons of Wazine per gallon of water for 24 hours. Repeat in 10 to 12 days. You can get Wazine at most feed stores. :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good advice above for dealing with mites, you might also post pictures of the birds if you can't figure out what is going on. Have you seen any of them pecking on each other, plucking feathers?
Year old hens are not old at all. They should be at their peak of laying. Something is definitely bothering them - as others have said mites and possibly worms as well.
Tanks a mill. Have dosed the hens and powdered the coop. For how long should I keep dosing them with powder and pondering the coop?
Repeat the powdering in a few days. Then again another few days after this. Repeat in the coop at 5 days, and again at 5 days after that. Then just keep an eye on the bug situation. You should then be good to go. :)

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