Mites in shavings???

I would use the permethrin concentrate. Most dust is 0.25%. If you have a gallon sprayer mix it for the 0.5% dose. Spray weekly everywhere in your coop. I like the wands on the gallon sprayers because it makes it easier to spray in the cracks and crevices. I make the birds stay out while the spray dries. Treatments need to be repeated weekly for 3 or 4 weeks. Clean out the shavings and put new shavings in the coop. I do use the dust in the nest boxes. Here is a chart made by a BYC member for the dosage for the different permethrin concentrates. Elector PSP will work too and according to their fact sheet for mites repeat treatments may be needed also. I'll stick with the permethrin. It has worked well for me. Good luck...
casportpony's PermethrinRatiosRev.jpg
Yes, the creepy crawlies part is the worst. Im sorry to hear you are having a hard time with them.

You will want to use the solution, not the dust to treat the whole coop. Many people have had success with the Elector but it was not working for me. Once use with the permethrin spray and I had dead mites all over the next morning. I continued with 2 more treatments to kill anymore that had hatched since it does not kill eggs.

Here is a great thread on the dilution for the permethrin:

Thread 'Permethrin Dilution'
Thanks! I had used a horse fly spray that I had (Ultrashield EX) that is mostly permethrin on the interior of the coop. But maybe it wasn’t strong enough. It was supposed to have long lasting repellent qualities too so I thought it might have worked. So I’ll definitely try just straight permethrin spray next.
I used 1cc ivermec pour on for the big girls and 1/2cc for bantams then repeated in 10 days. Cleaned out everyone twice and dusted everything with DE. It cured leg mites. Dirty bums can be a sign of mites or lice. they lay eggs at the base of the feathers. I use the ivermec on my goats as well. Down the top line. Had good luck with it here. I wonder how the shavings got contaminated?!
I’m that person that still uses DE in all the cracks and crevices in the coop and does a little dusting on the floor with bedding changes despite the controversial info on it. I felt like it worked for years (almost 6) since I haven’t had this issue before. Still hesitant to do ivermectin because of egg withdrawal. I’m speculating on the shavings since the very next morning they were loaded. It was bizarre.
I’m that person that still uses DE in all the cracks and crevices in the coop and does a little dusting on the floor with bedding changes despite the controversial info on it. I felt like it worked for years (almost 6) since I haven’t had this issue before. Still hesitant to do ivermectin because of egg withdrawal. I’m speculating on the shavings since the very next morning they were loaded. It was bizarre.
Yeah that is true, I scrambled the eggs for my pot belly pig for a couple weeks so they didn't go to waste.
Thanks! I had used a horse fly spray that I had (Ultrashield EX) that is mostly permethrin on the interior of the coop. But maybe it wasn’t strong enough. It was supposed to have long lasting repellent qualities too so I thought it might have worked. So I’ll definitely try just straight permethrin spray next.
Most premixed sprays are 0.5% but repeat treatments are a must because it doesn't kill the pests eggs and there is no egg withdrawal period.
Thanks! I had used a horse fly spray that I had (Ultrashield EX) that is mostly permethrin on the interior of the coop. But maybe it wasn’t strong enough. It was supposed to have long lasting repellent qualities too so I thought it might have worked. So I’ll definitely try just straight permethrin spray next.
Hopefully the permethrin concentrate (diluted) works for you! Mites are such a hassle.
I didn’t even realize I had mites until I noticed some on eggs in the nesting boxes (just milk crates). My normal routine- Poop gets scooped daily, full change of bedding every 10-14 days. I sprinkle DE in the crevices.
After finding mites- I checked a couple birds- no one is showing signs other than a couple dirty bums. I could find the occasional mite on the birds I checked.
So I :
-Gave each bird a bum bathe, and dusted them with permethrin powder.
- cleaned out coop, shop vacuumed the interior, sprayed down with Ultrashield equine spray, let coop dry for about 4 hours
-filled crevices, corners, cracks with permethrin powder.
-refilled with new shavings, new layer mats in nesting boxes. Sprinkled more powder in boxes.

then today, I take 2 eggs out and set them in shavings on floor of coop for a minute- they get mites crawling on them immediately!! Put my hand in the shavings- same outcome! WTH??
Are these red mites in the shavings? What do I do now??
Mites can be REALLY hard to get rid of, but you're doing the rightthings... very frustrating, I'm sure! The next few times you change out your bedding, add one more step. Bag and seal the old stuff and either trash it or burn it IMMEDIATELY. Don't compost it. If they were in a bag of shavings, they're lingering and transferring.
Good Luck!
Several years ago I had some birds that I thought were molting. They didn't seem to be getting their feathers back in so I checked them and they were loaded with mites. The first thing I tried was DE. After a couple of weeks there was no improvement so I bought some permethrin and began treatments. The birds started improving. I thought they were only in one coop but then discovered some in another coop so then I treated all of the coops. Before long the birds got their feathers back in and were beautiful again. I was mad at myself for not checking the birds earlier but it was molting time of the year. I think if I hadn't treated the birds and coops when I did I might have lost some birds. Again, good luck...

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