Overr Eazy Farm

In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2023
Hey everyone. I have been a chicken keeper for 1.5 years now, so still new. I have 47 birds in different stages between 3 separated runs.

*I have had my first lice AND mite infestation. My main question is how severe can symptoms from lice and mites get from these infestations? I had one die (which is how I discovered the infestation) and one in chicken ICU. Both are/were lame. They still have/had some movement in their legs, but couldn’t walk or hold up their body weight. My knowledge and research has increased since the first bird died. I still can not find much research to support sustained lameness in poultry from lice and mites. I found anemia and death as major symptoms, but not sustained lameness.

I am treating with permethrin 10 diluted to the manufacturer recommendation for poultry. I did one round of spray on all birds and will do 2 more, a week apart each to eradicate any hatched larvae or stragglers. I decided to buy a full bottle of Elector PSP for the coops and premises. I have added wood ash and a dash of DE to their dusting areas. I know DE is controversial, so I used a light dusting.

The bird in ICU got ivermectin drops STAT in lieu of permethrin because I already had ivermectin on hand and didn’t want to delay treatment. He was close to death/culling, but we decided to give some intensive care for 2 days to see how he responded.

He got regular watering through a dropper with red cell mixed in. He eats fine on his own. He gets Vaseline to his legs daily in case he has undetected scaley leg mites (he has heavily feathered feet to it’s difficult to fully examine). He gets physical therapy to get his legs moving again and some time on a memory foam dog bed as it makes it much easier for him to support his weight and practice walking.

After 2 days his comb is dark red again. He is eating AND drinking on his own. He can support his own weight while sitting and can even limp to his food and water most of the time. He is preening again and chirping in a happy, non-distressed way now. It is unclear if he’ll walk again, but he is trying. If he can’t walk on his own after another 1-2 weeks, I will most likely cull due to poor quality of life and an inability for us to sustain this intensive treatment indefinitely.

Most of this was just to give you context. I originally thought Marek’s, but I have no new birds to the flock besides my own and no other sick birds since treatment. The only consistent symptoms for both birds are lameness, mites and/or lice, and weakness. No other symptoms.

Again, the main question I have is has anyone seen or heard of sustained lameness in chickens with severe lice and/or mite infestations? Also, has anyone had birds with this level of lameness every recover enough to walk on their own again?

Thanks in advance!
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Have you tried high dose vitamin therapy?
I'm wondering if there's not something else going on. How old is he? What's his diet?
He is 11 weeks old. I gave him hydro hen twice now, but will keep giving it. The vitamin thing is a good point. He eats a mix of Nutrena NatureWise layer crumbles and chick grower crumbles, 50/50.
He is 11 weeks old. I gave him hydro hen twice now, but will keep giving it. The vitamin thing is a good point. He eats a mix of Nutrena NatureWise layer crumbles and chick grower crumbles, 50/50.
Feed only the chick feed if you intend to keep males, layer feed isn't good for males and nonlaying birds, nut that's not your problem.
Give him one 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks, any brand from the grocery store.
Feed only the chick feed if you intend to keep males, layer feed isn't good for males and nonlaying birds, nut that's not your problem.
Give him one 400i.u vitamin E capsule and about a third of a B complex tablet every day for a few weeks, any brand from the grocery store.
I looked up these 2 vitamins combined for chickens. Is it to help the nervous system? Thanks for the advice!
Sustained lameness is caused by loss of blood in the body. I'm sure the mites had a good fill of your birds blood. It's similar to a gun shot victim that survived but is on rehabilitation to regain his blood loss and heal his wounds.

It takes a while for a crippled bird to regain the blood loss after losing so much. Just make sure you feed him wet high protein mash and 1 raw yolk each day. And let him rest undisturbed, no need to exercise him since he's frail. Letting him rest will allow his body to repair itself.

His road to recovery will be inevitable on his terms.
He is 11 weeks old. I gave him hydro hen twice now, but will keep giving it. The vitamin thing is a good point. He eats a mix of Nutrena NatureWise layer crumbles and chick grower crumbles, 50/50.
He's 11weeks old, feed only the Chick Starter. Layer feed had to much calcium for growing chicks. Possible this could contribute to the mobility issues.

I'd focus on Chick starter and give 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Egg as a treat if one is necessary.

When you have time, video of movement/walking would be good - upload to YouTube and provide a link.

If not, photos of the chick and his poop.
He's 11weeks old, feed only the Chick Starter. Layer feed had to much calcium for growing chicks. Possible this could contribute to the mobility issues.

I'd focus on Chick starter and give 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Egg as a treat if one is necessary.

When you have time, video of movement/walking would be good - upload to YouTube and provide a link.

If not, photos of the chick and his poop.
I’ll work on getting a video when we put him back on his memory foam dog bed for expertise. He had no poops until we forced water with a syringe. That opened the flood gates. Poops look good now. I’ve attached a picture of his poops and one pic of him.


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He's 11weeks old, feed only the Chick Starter. Layer feed had to much calcium for growing chicks. Possible this could contribute to the mobility issues.

I'd focus on Chick starter and give 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Egg as a treat if one is necessary.

When you have time, video of movement/walking would be good - upload to YouTube and provide a link.

If not, photos of the chick and his poop.
I have birds in various stages mixed in 3 different pens. I was mixing half and half grower feed and layer feed to ensure layers got some extra protein (with their necessary laying vitamins/minerals) and chicks enough protein and other nutrients to grow. I can switch to only chick feed for this guy, but the others will probably need to stick to the 50/50 mix…

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