Mission Viejo, CA ? So are they legal or not?

July 13, 2014

Hello I am reading old posts, but I still want to know if you can have chickens in Mission Viejo, CA. If there is a petition to sign, where is it? I just read in the newspaper this month that Mission Viejo allows 2 chickens. The city says no in the bylaws.
Contact me if you have time.
[email protected]
Reading this thread - looked at the codes. It appears that all animals are deemed a nuisance, and then the code carves out an exception for household pets - chickens expressly excluded from household pets. So still does not seem permissible, but it ought to be. I will sign a petition. Are we just looking for one to get one going?
Hello there, Any updates on being able to have chicken in Mission Viejo. I own a home that I want to retire to in 5 years but I like to have chicken and chicken eggs at my home when I retire.

I have some questions about the legality of keeping chickens.  I live in Mission Viejo, Ca.  I'm finding all sorts of lists of cities where it's legal to keep chickens online and Mission Viejo is on that list for 2 hens, no roosters allowed.  But city code 9.59.115-1 says no chickens allowed.  It specificially reads Animals  . Animals, livestock, poultry or bees kept, bred or maintained for any purpose or in violation of any provision of the City Municipal Code.   I had called the city back in Spring 2008 and was told I was not allowed to keep chickens.  But now I'm finding all this lists that say I can but nothing in the city code.  Does anyone know about this?  Anyone keeping chickens in Mission Viejo? 

I have started a petition to allow chickens in Mission Viejo.It is at petitions24.com.Let's get the word out,I have also contacted the Mayor.
[COLOR=333333]July 13, 2014[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Hello I am reading old posts, but I still want to know if you can have chickens in Mission Viejo, CA. If there is a petition to sign, where is it?  I just read in the newspaper this month that Mission Viejo allows 2 chickens. The city says no in the bylaws.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]Contact me if you have time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333][email protected][/COLOR]
I have started a petition to allow chickens in Mission Viejo.It is at petitions24.com,Tittlad Mission Viejo Chicken project.I have also contacted the Mayor.
Hello there, Any updates on being able to have chicken in Mission Viejo.  I own a home that I want to retire to in 5 years but I like to have chicken and chicken eggs at my home when I retire.
I have started a petition to allow chickens in Mission Viejo.Its at petitions24.com tittled Mission Viejo Chicken Project,let's get the word out!
Got this from Google Maps:
Mission Viejo, CA​
You are allowed up to two chickens, and roosters are not allowed. But city code 9.59.115-1 says no chickens allowed.​
I would like to keep chickens. I think we have a right to self sustainability. I would help with a petition.​
There are many in MV that keep chickens. Chickens are less of a nuisance than the stray cats in the neighborhood.​
Sign the petition at petitions24.com,tittled Mission Viejo Chicken Project,thanks
Petitions24.com,sign the petition tittled Mission Viejo Chicken Project.And let's get this done,I have also contacted the Mayor.

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