Missing chicks from 9 to 5


Jul 20, 2023
Greenville, SC
The week-long holiday break ends for me tomorrow morning. I must commute only 2 days a week and that begins again tomorrow. After an especially nice week spending lots of time with my chicks outside, I think I’m going to miss them terribly tomorrow. Anyone else going to be dreaming of fluffy butts when they return to the office?
Yes absolutely! I have 3 9-month olds ans 3 2.5-year olds I've raised since baby chicks. I go to the office 3 days a week and definitely have separation anxiety although they are full grown 😅 They (and their dog brother) are my babies!
I do have 5 cameras outside on them though...1 in coop, 1 in run, 1 in covered extended run they have access to when I'm away. And 2 in the yard.
It does make me feel better to be able to see them any time I want while away. You might consider getting one, or some!
If I were still working, I definitely would! But now I'm blessed to be retired, so pretty much always around the ol' homestead with my various critters (oh, and my husband!😊)

If we ever start doing the traveling we'd hoped to, I'll have to install cameras for my peace of mind, no matter how good my chicken-sitters might be. My 8 pullets are ~10 months old now, grown into such lovely girls with very distinct personalities; spending time with them & thinking up new ways to entertain them is a daily treat! They definitely entertain me, as well, and one of my dogs is mesmerized by them, lies outside their yard staring, with a tennis ball in her mouth...not the most intelligent look 😆.

Now if I have to go a day without holding & petting my chickens, I get serious "feather hunger"!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one! My friends in “real life”, just laugh. It will likely be dark when I get home so I won’t see them at all. Won’t get to collect eggs or clean the coop (hubby will do it) and I get a lot of fulfillment out of those tasks. I love the way the girls run to me and talk. And one girl loves to be petted.

Great suggestion about another camera! I have one in the coop but not in their run.
Yes absolutely! I have 3 9-month olds ans 3 2.5-year olds I've raised since baby chicks. I go to the office 3 days a week and definitely have separation anxiety although they are full grown 😅 They (and their dog brother) are my babies!
I do have 5 cameras outside on them though...1 in coop, 1 in run, 1 in covered extended run they have access to when I'm away. And 2 in the yard.
It does make me feel better to be able to see them any time I want while away. You might consider getting one, or some!
My dogs, cats and chickens all get along great though my Boston Terrier wants them to play with her and cannot understand why I tell her, “no chasing”. The only problem is my dogs want to eat grubs too! 😩

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