Miss Floppy Goes to Public Speaking Class (pic)

Buff Hooligans

12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
Hey BYC friends - I'm taking a public speaking class to gain some self-confidence.
I had to give my speech last night. Guess my topic!

For visual aids, I brought some blown-out tiny pullet eggs to show how chickens get
started laying eggs, photographs, some fresh eggs to give out, and Miss Floppy.

She sat quietly in the box under a desk for 2 hours while other people were presenting their speeches.
Nobody had any idea there was a chicken in the room.

At the end of my speech, I brought Miss Floppy out of the box. People were stunned.
Everybody wanted to touch her. She talked politely to them and was very sweet.
The instructor said I ought to leave my secretarial jobs and take my chicken show on the road!
That would be the life, wouldn't it?

People were also intrigued about having eggs that had been laid in the
past few days (I marked their dates in pencil on them to prove it).

So, if you ever have to give a speech, chickens are the best topic !!

this is all wonderful, but one wonders what lip gloss were you sporting? what about Miss Floppy? did she wear any lip goo?

that is awesome and Miss Floppy looks like a lovely chicken. i'll bet you were great!
Missy Jayne! I was wearing a generous slathering of Vincent Longo LipStain in "Nude". Miss Floppy opted for Nivea Deep Renewal balm.

She's my underdog chicken, always the last to grab a treat. Her comb flops over a little in the back, that's why I call her Miss Floppy.
Good For You!!! That was a brave adventure, I'm glad everything went well. I would have been so nervous. I wonder how many of the class are planning a coop now
okay, good. now i don't have to rack my brain all day about the lip goo.

Miss Floppy has a unique comb then! that makes her a fashion trend setter. would we expect any less from Buff? no, not at all!
Thanks Kelli, but I know you're just saying that so I'll take that Two-Step class with you.
I most CERTAINLY did!!! I mentioned it a few times, as a matter of fact. I said that this pic would be posted here today. Felt awkward having it taken, but I thought it would make a fun story for you all.
IT is! I love it when we can mention BYC and more and more people are knowing what I am talking about. The other day i had my BYC University shirt on and I had a guy walk up to me and start talking chickens....Didn't have a clue who he was but I do now and we chatted for quite a while as us chicken addicts can!

I love this site!!!

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