Mini pig pregnancy


Apr 24, 2021
Hi everyone! I’m completely new to this site (I’ve browsed conversations for years but never took part or posted) but I recently got a female mini pig, and I’m curious if she is pregnant. I’ll share as much info as I know about her, which isn’t much, and post pictures if I can figure out how.
We’re calling her ‘Pig Pig’ for now (feel free to give name suggestions!)
From what the last owners told us, they had her for two weeks after her brother in law dropped her off, after he got her from some farm. I have had her for two weeks now also. The last owners did not have any other pigs, meaning if she is pregnant, she’s at least 4 weeks! I realize that’s still really early, and it doesn’t help that I don’t know how large her belly was before - although the last owners said she doubled in size during the 2 weeks they had her. We also don’t know her age. I had a neighbor drop by the day I got her and tell me she’s definitely pregnant and probably less than 6 months old!! I have two other mini pigs, both males, one neutered and one not, she hates the neutered one, but hasn’t really given any time of day to the other one, this is only an interaction through a fence though. The ‘pig indicator’ is not pointing up, she has a large belly, and does seem to possibly be getting milk line in the back (maybe.) I’m sorry for the lack of info but hope this gives some perspective. I haven’t figured out how to upload pictures yet if anyone has any tips for that! I’m on an iPhone.
The bottom line is that she is either pregnant or she isn't. Just keep an eye on her. Provide plenty of bedding so she has a nice place to have her babies if she is. In my experience, animals that are bred young generally do well if they are well fed. However, if she is pregnant, you certainly do not want her to get fat. If she is pregnant, shortly before she has her pigs her vulva will get kind of puffy and her mammary glands will swell.
Not really sure about minis (never had one) but full size pigs start showing around the 3 month mark. There are hog pregnancy tests, I've never used one just heard about them.
Just FYI, well fed does NOT mean fat, especially for mini pigs, and most especially for mini pigs who may have been bred young.

Hopefully she is not bred yet. If you plan to breed, know that mini pigs are not like full size ones, who breed easily and often. Any female pig that is less than 80# WAIT to breed. If she's 80# at 15 months, you should be ok. If she's much smaller (and definitely if she's younger) you may well loose her. Especially if she's fat and has fat around her organs, squeezing her even tighter. It's a really fine line to walk with them.

Those tiny girls just don't have enough space inside, they can be damaged internally by pregnancy and birth. It's not a pretty way to go.

Tiny pigs are bred the same way as toy dogs - itsy males to larger-than-the-standard-calls-for females

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