Mini-homesteader in the making


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
Hi, I live in the beautiful town of Montevallo, Alabama with my two sons (12 months and 4 1/2) and their dad.

I've grown up in Holland, where my mom grew our own fruits and veggies. She planted the seed for a love of self sufficiency.

Now, I'm not about to start knitting socks out of the fur of my cats.. But we do enjoy growing vegetables and I have been wanting to add my own eggs to that for YEARS. I like doing things basic. If it's too much bells and whistles, I get kind of overwhelmed. I do research very, very well before I do anything (too much sometimes, I get myself discouraged).

Anyway. I have been sketching coops for a year now.

My final plan is for a raised 4x4 coop, with an attached 10x4 run with a chicken bridge to an enclosed blue-kiddie-pool-compost-pile playground. I want about 3-4 chickens. If they become tame enough, I do have a large fenced in yard, so they can come stretch their legs every once in a while (and pick some cut worms out of my pathetic lawn haha)

This will be the year!
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Good luck with the 'mini homestead'. Study the forum, ask questions and you will succeed. Welcome to the BYC community.

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