Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Nothing from the DNR or MSU Horticulture. Shiawassee County road commission, talked to one person, mine is the first report they've had. The person who manages roadside mowing and spraying will be back next week...
Wish I'd known about it a month ago!!!
As much as I hate herbicide roadside control, this might be a good reason to use it.
No storms here last night. There was only a 30% chance of rain yesterday and of course it hit at work just after I left the parking lot. I was on the motorcycle for a 5 mile ride through some heavy rain. After that it was nice and sunny for the remainder of the trip home.

I've spent all morning on the phone with DHHS, insurance carrier, Mich Health, and the IRS. Damn health insurance is denying medication and procedures that the cardiologist has ordered. Big fight with them is on-going.
My tax refund is still "in process" and I can't get a real person on the phone. Even the regional office is an automation call centre that hangs up after the menu prompts. So frustrating. My blood is boiling. :barnie
No storms here last night. There was only a 30% chance of rain yesterday and of course it hit at work just after I left the parking lot. I was on the motorcycle for a 5 mile ride through some heavy rain. After that it was nice and sunny for the remainder of the trip home.

I've spent all morning on the phone with DHHS, insurance carrier, Mich Health, and the IRS. Damn health insurance is denying medication and procedures that the cardiologist has ordered. Big fight with them is on-going.
My tax refund is still "in process" and I can't get a real person on the phone. Even the regional office is an automation call centre that hangs up after the menu prompts. So frustrating. My blood is boiling. :barnie
@RaZ you might want to ask you doctor to write a note regarding your Rx to request the insurance company review the tier in which your medication falls under.

My godmother had the same issue earlier in the year and insurance was not going to pay the price. She also asked the insurance company for a copy the med tiering guidelines and worked with her doctor to find another comparable med.

I now understand why many elderly people don’t take their meds. You shouldn’t have to work that hard to get the meds you need. Good luck and I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. If I responded like that to my clients…I’d get fired. Perhaps I should work for a government agency.

My sister recently started working at Ohio state university in oncology. She was told that once you’re a permanent employee you have to practically be arrested and convicted to jail before you’re fired.

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