Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

It has been crazy busy around here lately. Home and work.
DH has to get the siding done on our garage this month for our building permit to be done. Yesterday his transmission went out. At this point I don't have to drive him to work because it is only reverse that is gone.

The ducks, Toot and Puddle went for their first swim but didn't really swim just waddled around. I think we have found a way to contain their water habbits without having a filthy pen. It seems to be working. The guineas were too crowded and I moved them to the dog crate... only to discover they could escape. I thought I had the sides fixed last night, but this morning one was running around peeping. I think I am going to be lazy and just saran wrap the outside of the cage. I am working on the fencing to get everyone separated. I didn't get much done with the rain. I was missing a bantam Polish girl last night. I looked everywhere even the pig pen as they have started hanging out in the pig house. I couldn't find her and she sticks pretty close. My son came and helped and we finally found her in our big coop in a blocked off area sitting on 12 eggs. The thing is she didn't even act broody when I took her off the nest so I think she was just laying late not sitting on them.

I love all the press Michigan is getting right now with the RTF. I think it will go just as far as residents complaining. Politicians know Michigan needs to attract people and this isn't what they are going to want. With enough talk it can't just be ignored.

Stay dry!
Who else just love the commercial adds, ha ha. Seems every key I touch loads the new Nutrena add...the rain is an added bonus! I had 15 yds of black dirt delivered and now the area I need to spread it in is, well, I guess I should be planting rice.

At least the ducks are having fun!
He's a pretty boy. I actually would love to get a black and white bird; I bought a silver-laced wyandotte for that reason. But I'd like an EE in those colors. I guess I mainly want the Ameraucana for the blue eggs. :p My two Townline EE's lay lovely light colored mint-green, and my farm-bred EE lays a darker sage-green egg. But I want blue. I have no interest in showing or anything.

I have some Ameraucanas can bring some fertile eggs to CS if any one wants them
As I roto-tilled the garden, the hens were right there scooping up worms and whatnot. Right with them was my GR and she was eating worms side by side with the hens.

Could this be used as a yard fence/divider? http://www.premier1supplies.com/fencing.php?mode=detail&fence_id=144

I want to free-range my three chickens on our 1/2 acre lot without having them go into the neighbors yards. We'd free range for a few hours every day -- no unleashed dogs in the area. Is this possible? It'd certainly be much cheaper than installing a fence; and I'd like to keep the nature look to our yard anyways -- just need a stopper so the hens don't go everywhere!
I have their elec. netting but do not electrify it is easy and most of the birds stay in, that looks like the green plastic netting and should work well
if you have fliers you can clip a wing that should keep them in
If I come to CS, still up in the air... but if I do, I will have a litter of CA/FG bunnies (8) all black.

Someone asked me earlier about Sumatra eggs/chicks. Unfortunately since I had an illness in my flock and I am not sure if it is MG or not, I will not be letting any of my birds off my property.

Sad day in the art world today, H. R. Giger passed away yesterday. He designed some pretty dark surreal stuff, but it was beautiful just the same. .. you've seen his work in the movies Alien and Species. I'm a Korn fan, the mic stand for JD was created by Giger too. Though I love Gigers work way before I was a fan.
If I come to CS, still up in the air... but if I do, I will have a litter of CA/FG bunnies (8) all black.

Someone asked me earlier about Sumatra eggs/chicks. Unfortunately since I had an illness in my flock and I am not sure if it is MG or not, I will not be letting any of my birds off my property.

Sad day in the art world today, H. R. Giger passed away yesterday. He designed some pretty dark surreal stuff, but it was beautiful just the same. .. you've seen his work in the movies Alien and Species. I'm a Korn fan, the mic stand for JD was created by Giger too. Though I love Gigers work way before I was a fan.
We'll both have some bunnies from the same family, lol! I'll probably bring some cousins to yours, CA/NZ/FG, and maybe some pure FGs. I know I'm going because Momma say's so.

I hope you decide to trip out. Seems like the old crowd is dwindling. I do know of some people that don't post coming. I'm also trying to get an old member in my truck for the day. Should be a good time as usual. I think I'll skip be the photag though and only take pics for me. After editing and uploading last years CS it seems like only a couple of peeps looked at them. Lots of energy down the drain.
How is your porcelain doing? The kids are what, 6 weeks now? I "almost" think you picked us out 4 pullets. I say "almost" because the Old English has me on the fence. But I'm thinking all the d'uccle are pullets (knock on wood). We had one mille fleur try to escape the brooder the other day and got herself wedged on her back between the layers of cardboard. She was probably only wedged down in there for a few hours (she was in the bin that morning, and then later we noticed 1 was missing). We rescued her & taped up the cardboard part that she got into. She rested for a while and was behaving normally by the next morning.

I bought a FBCM pullet from Wynette last summer. She was probably a bit stressed out from traveling, hanging out at Chickenstock, traveling some more, and then again, etc etc. Through the stress of the day she probably held back laying and we got 2 eggs from her the next day. We had checked on her that morning and there was no egg, but she laid later that morning and again in the afternoon. :)
They're 7 weeks and a day now. Olive the porcelain's comb hasn't grown a whole lot in the past 2 weeks, but it's more pink than I'd like to see in a pullet. Fingers crossed. I'm glad your adventurer is no worse for the wear. Fingers crossed for you and 100% pullet pick. :)

Our Australorp has laid 2 eggs in 1 day a handful of times.

I just fig they have no clue what they got....
Just cute mutt birds.
They really don't. When I was looking for d'uccles, I emailed the customer service folks. Whoever emailed me that day said they didn't have d'uccles. Apparently they were only familiar with calling them by their color (porcelain or mille fleur).

She has no other symptoms that I can see. It's kind of scabbed on the side, or muddy. Might look her over better tonight once everyone is roosting and treat tomorrow. Why is is always the wyandottes?
I'm sorry, Glad. You have rotten luck with Wyandottes. Hope she's better soon.
Could this be used as a yard fence/divider? http://www.premier1supplies.com/fencing.php?mode=detail&fence_id=144

I want to free-range my three chickens on our 1/2 acre lot without having them go into the neighbors yards. We'd free range for a few hours every day -- no unleashed dogs in the area. Is this possible? It'd certainly be much cheaper than installing a fence; and I'd like to keep the nature look to our yard anyways -- just need a stopper so the hens don't go everywhere!
I have their elec. netting but do not electrify it is easy and most of the birds stay in, that looks like the green plastic netting and should work well
if you have fliers you can clip a wing that should keep them in

Thanks for the advice! I think DH and I are going to go with a welded wire pasture fence from TSC. There's about $250 for 300 feet, and I think that might last the winter and heaps of snow we get! Thank you for your input! I'm hoping with all the free space they won't want to fly, but we'll see. Our flock leader takes a running start out of the coop and spreads her wings, but I really think its just because the run is too small.

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