Merek's Disease??


7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
Hi We Have Two Chickens a Ameraucana Rooster and an Asil Pullet But They're Eye Has Just Got Swollen With Puss Coming Out From It Can Someone Please Tell Me What's Wrong With Them is It Mereks Disease or Something More Serious Here's a Picture of The Eye Please Tell Me If You Know What It Is That Yellow Stuff That's Coming Out Of His Eye What Can We Give Them To Help Them Get Better Soon
The bad news is that looks like Coryza, a respitory illness that leaves them as a possible carrier of the illness if they recover. If they are just pets...then you can treat them but more than likely it will spread to your other birds if you keep them around. You can remove the puss by massaging the eye and dislodging it. You can inject into loose skin 1/2 cc of Tylan 50 cattle injectable 2 times a day for three days. It will help the symptoms but not cure it. You would have to keep them seperate from the others and always handle them last and anything associated with them. Watch the flock for others... It can spread fast. So sorry.....
The bad news is that looks like Coryza, a respitory illness that leaves them as a possible carrier of the illness if they recover. If they are just pets...then you can treat them but more than likely it will spread to your other birds if you keep them around. You can remove the puss by massaging the eye and dislodging it. You can inject into loose skin 1/2 cc of Tylan 50 cattle injectable 2 times a day for three days. It will help the symptoms but not cure it. You would have to keep them seperate from the others and always handle them last and anything associated with them. Watch the flock for others... It can spread fast. So sorry.....

Where Can I Get Some Tylan 50 cattle injectable?? and how does it work
If you have a Tractor supply company near you.. I know they have it. You can order it from Jefferslivestock online.... It is an injectable, and does best if you inject it under the skin...but you can dribble in beak and apply a drop in the eye too. Use 1/2 cc for adult standard bird...2 times a day for 3 days... Reevaluate then and see if any improvement. The puss must be removed from the eye... It will come back, so you may have to do it a few times. They will lose the eye on that side.
The Tylan treats the respitory symptoms. Make sure to clean everything very good as it can spread easily on your shoes, clothes, skin, birds excretions etc...
If you have a Tractor supply company near you.. I know they have it. You can order it from Jefferslivestock online.... It is an injectable, and does best if you inject it under the skin...but you can dribble in beak and apply a drop in the eye too. Use 1/2 cc for adult standard bird...2 times a day for 3 days... Reevaluate then and see if any improvement. The puss must be removed from the eye... It will come back, so you may have to do it a few times. They will lose the eye on that side.
The Tylan treats the respitory symptoms. Make sure to clean everything very good as it can spread easily on your shoes, clothes, skin, birds excretions etc...

Does Duramacyin Antibiotic Work??
If you have a Tractor supply company near you.. I know they have it. You can order it from Jefferslivestock online.... It is an injectable, and does best if you inject it under the skin...but you can dribble in beak and apply a drop in the eye too. Use 1/2 cc for adult standard bird...2 times a day for 3 days... Reevaluate then and see if any improvement. The puss must be removed from the eye... It will come back, so you may have to do it a few times. They will lose the eye on that side.
The Tylan treats the respitory symptoms. Make sure to clean everything very good as it can spread easily on your shoes, clothes, skin, birds excretions etc...
"They will lose the eye on that side." What Do You Mean By It are They Going To Go Blind
You need to get the yellow stuff out of their eyes. Gently squeeze it out as it usually comes out in a clump. The eyeball will have a cloudy film over it but sometimes the sight will come back.

That yellow gunk will continue to grow and swell their face up if you do not remove it. And it will usually come back and needs removed more than once.

Tylan 50 works best for this type of infection for me. Inject 3 cc. just under the skin along their breast bone.. I dribble a small amount of the Tylan into their infected eye also. Good luck!
You need the Tylan 50.... No exceptions. Most people will cull these birds because it can spread so fast to the others and they will always have it. They will probably loose the lens in that eye if not the entire eye that is affected.... But like postes.....sometimes if caught early it can be saved.

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