Mc Murray Hatchery Shippment on the 27th


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Burnin' up in KY
How did you chicken arrive from this hatchery? It our first time ordering. We order a order of 'Rainbow Layers' we also got the grow gel stuff. Our brooder has a feeder and waters, cedar chips will they try and it these? I know to put marbles of something into their waterer though. Wish me luck! I can't wait!
lay newpaper down to entirely cover floor then sprinkle feed out. this will help the chicks learn to eat without having to figure out where the feeder is . and so they dont try to eat shavings... rmove paper after 1st or 3rd day... yeah dont use cedar not good. go by mcmurrays orders they know what they are doing. but as a substitute of shavings i use riversand. it its cheaper and easier to sift poop out.
I've had great luck with McMurray. Make sure your post office will notify as soon as they receive the chicks...I think that has been a problem for some. Oh, and have them vacinated at the hatchery.

Out of the 43 McMurray chicks I received the middle of February only 2 have died. No apparent sickness, just dead.

They are 9 1/2 weeks now and doing fine.
Thanks everyone. We replaced our cedar chips with some bedding made out of corn cobs, the Rural King says they use it for their chicks. I already know what most to do, put rocks into their waterer, give them a light, ect. The hatchery sent us a e-mail about our order. Were getting the gro gel stuff with it.

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