May's Introduction!


Apr 11, 2024
Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
Hello everyone! My name is May. I have been keeping chickens for roughly 2 years, but the oldest in my current flock I have had for almost 1.
Right now I have 11 adult chickens (Around 1 year), 18 one month old chicks, and 19 newly hatched chicks (Hatched 4/10/24).
In my adult flock I have a Buckeye rooster, Silver Laced Wyandotte hens, Black Copper Maran hens, as well as some Buckeye hens. In my 1 month old flock I have 12 of those chicken's offspring, 4 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Golden Sexlinks. Some of the mixes I do not know the breed result.
Raising backyard chickens gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. You go out to the coop everyday and you have multiple little animals greeting you. The other amazing thing about them is the self-sustainability of them. They turn feed into eggs. And I think everyone can agree that it is rewarding watching them grow from chicks to adults.
My other hobbies are gardening, art, and learning self-sustainability.
My current attempted occupation is to be a chicken farmer. Working with animals is what I love.
I have a handsome little Australian Shepherd named Ranger.
I hope to learn more about chickens as well as help people with anything I can.
I found BYC when I had questions about my flock. I decided to join to ask those questions about my flock that I cannot find.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Very nice introduction! Your flock sounds lovely, ❤ we love photos! 😊

Make yourself at home here and ask as many questions as needed. Welcome to our community!
I will definitely be posting photos! I posted a photo of an unknown chick on chick identification!
Thank you so much!

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