May 2024 Hatch-A-Long



16 Years
Apr 27, 2008
Ozark Highlands
Set 8 ouf our Narragansett turkey eggs under a broody Silkie-Cochin bantam yesterday just after the eclipse passed. She is viciously protective of those eggs today. If all goes well, we should have turkey poults hatching May 6th. 🦃🙂


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Thank you 😊
Her name is Piper. I have three Silkie x Cochin Bantams that I hatched out from bonus eggs I got from another local farm. Though not much for laying (still, they do their part), they are awesome little brood hens and fierce little mommas. And I never have to worry about the power going out and chilling eggs as it frequently does if they are in the incubators during our spring & summer storms. 🙂
Thank you 😊
Her name is Piper. I have three Silkie x Cochin Bantams that I hatched out from bonus eggs I got from another local farm. Though not much for laying (still, they do their part), they are awesome little brood hens and fierce little mommas. And I never have to worry about the power going out and chilling eggs as it frequently does if they are in the incubators during our spring & summer storms. 🙂
Awe that’s such a cute name! And I absolutely agree, I’d take a hen over an incubator
I am picking up some cream legbar eggs this weekend and planning to throw them in the incubator soon, so I will join up here! I also have Swedish Flower eggs in the bator due to hatch the last day in April so some of them will be May babies. This will most likely be my only hatch this year so hopefully it will be a good one!
Hello everyone. I feel like it is the same group that hatched last year. :) LOL

I have duck eggs in my incubator that I am hatching out for someone else so I can play with ducklings for a few then they go home. :) So far I have like 18-22 developing (I put in 46! YIKES! LOL 3 have quit then some are clear for sure, a handful have one little red line so guessing barely started then quit, and some I am not sure on so will give them a bit more).

That same person also accidentally gave me a few (think 5-7 I can't remember now) chicken eggs with the duck eggs so she said to hatch those as well. so I will be adding those tomorrow and some from my own flock to test fertility since a friend wants me to send her some of mine but I want to make sure that at least some are fertilized first so will do a small batch to test.

So hatch day for all is May 4, but where I have 2 different incubators that the duck eggs were started in it seems 1 is cooking them on time the other they look a couple days behind... I have now moved all the duck eggs into the same incubator so guess we see if the ones that are behind catch up or what.

This is my 2nd hatch of the year. I have 2 week old chicks in the brooder right now. Should be interesting finding spaces for the ducklings and chicks for a week or till she gets them after they hatch. LOL I have 3 brooder spots but only 2 MHP and thinking the older ones may still use theirs here and there once these babies hatch since they will be in the outside brooder and only 5 weeks. Guess I see.

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