Maran Pullet with swollen, closed eye

Thanks, for posting the link. It is interesting to see how to get pus out from around the eye. If the Tylan cleared it up, it may be MG instead of Coryza, in case you would want to edit the title of your video to something like “removing pus from a chicken’s eye.” To know for sure what it is, you can get blood drawn for a PCR test by a nearby state poultry lab. That way, if you decide to get new birds, you could check into getting them vaccinated.
I sent a video of her eye and the exudate I removed to a small animal veterinarian. She said it is almost for sure coryza. What I removed wasn’t pus; it was solidified exudate. Additionally, she had no cough, rales or other lung symptom that are common in MG. Thanks for your feedback.
E.coli and MG can also cause the solid pus in the eye from sinus infection. It is hard to know for sure without a culture of the material, or a blood test for MG or coryza. Most of the info we see here is when people get necropsies on chickens who have died. The pathology reports can have one or more organism present. Since most of us do not get testing or necropsies, it is only a guess. But infectious coryza may respond better to sulfa antibiotics, or a combo of sulfa and Tylan. MG may improve with just Tylan.
Thank you @kimspangrude for the video... I have a hen with what seems to be the same situation, but all around the eye is very swollen. I was curious when you lanced why you chose inside the eyelid (it seemed).? Mine seems it would be possible outside, so I wanted to get some input.

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