Management of sour crop?


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
My 2.5 y/o RIR hen has sour crop this morning, I think. I found a pile of liquid in their coop and when she came out her tail was droopy and she had her head down. She also seemed tired and not eating. The first thing I thought when I saw her was that her crop looked like it didn't empty.

I brought her inside and she regurgitated yellow liquid a couple times. It smells really bad so that's why I believe it's sour crop. I know to give her vaginal cream 2x/day for 7 days but I can't remember if I'm supposed to with hold food for 24 hours? Should I put just probiotic powder in her water or should I add electrolytes too? I read somewhere to give her hard boiled eggs but when do I start giving her that and when do I start her back on her regular food again?

She drank a lot of water after I brought her inside and now she's standing there with her eyes closed. I hope she's okay.


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The link posted by Debbie292d above is rather good. @azygous is knowledgeable about crop problems.Many times a hen will get sour crop after she has been sick with another issue for awhile, which is preventing the digestive system to move food through the crop, gizzard and intestines. It can also happen after a crop impaction of long grasses or straw getting stuck. I hope that you can help her. They do need some food while undergoing sour crop treatment. The fist day it is okay to just feed fluids and electrolytes with vitamins. Then you can make some very very thin chicken feed mush with water, some plain yogurt, or egg. I have had a number of hens with symptoms similar to yours, and I have never saved one. Egg yolk peritonitis and other reproductive issues, cancer, liver issues, and ascites were some issues. I hope that your hen gets over this.
I kept her inside over the weekend, giving her 1/2 inch vaginal cream twice a day. She seems a lot better today, even yesterday. Her tail lifted a bit and she seems perkier. I put her back outside to see how she'll do and 30 minutes later when I went to check on her she's already bleeding a bit at the face. I think one of the other hens is picking on her. She's also mostly just standing there and falling asleep. I brought her back inside and she seems to be doing better indoors. I'm trying to decide whether to let her pass naturally or process her soon. :/
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