Male or female?


7 Years
Sep 3, 2016
In the mountains of Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
I think this one is male, hatched the Sunday after Easter, no crowing yet. I will add pics of the others once we get a consensus on this one...

And I may have posted this twice... I tried on my phone not sure if it worked on l

Lol. I will never know. He is getting invited to dinner (along with any brothers)I cannot have him crowing at all, I am going to do the deed today.
Completely understandable. I'm glad you are doing it yourself. I strongly believe that when you take on ownership of an animal, you are responsible for its life and its death.

I had a gorgeous EE cockerel this spring that unfortunately turned into a real jerk. I butchered him at 12 weeks and still managed to get 2 lb dressed out of him. He was so good looking but I don't tolerate aggression in my flocks.

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