Macaw cage turned into a pheasant cage?

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No, far, far too small.
How is this cage too small?

The average size of a pheasant is 30 to 36 inches.

Macaws have similar sizes as pheasants:

Macaw SpeciesAverage SizeAverage WingspanAverage Weight
Hyacinth Macaw40 inches48 inches1.2 to 1.7 kg
Red-And-Green Macaw35 to 37 inches41 to 49 inches1.1 to 1.7 kg
Great Green Macaw33.5 to 35.5 inches44 to 50 inches1.3 kg
Blue-And-Gold Macaw30 to 36 inches41 to 45 inches900 g to 1.2 kg
Hybrid Macaw33 to 35.5 inches40 inches900 to 910 g
Blue-Throated Macaw33 to 35 inches36 inches900 to 1.1 kg
Scarlet Macaw32 inches36 inches900 to 1 kg
How is this cage too small?

View attachment 3098656
Pheasants are ground birds, they are highly active and flightly, they need space so they don't snap their necks if they spook. They need at minimum, 25 sq feet of ground space and 7 feet of air space per bird. Pheasant are not domestic poultry or exotic birds, they are game birds, not pets. To keep a pheasant in a cage like this is very cruel and shows you don't really care about the health and well-being of a bird, just the looks at to say you have one.
@007Sean @Midnightman14
Pheasants are ground birds, they are highly active and flightly, they need space so they don't snap their necks if they spook. They need at minimum, 25 sq feet of ground space and 7 feet of air space per bird. Pheasant are not domestic poultry or exotic birds, they are game birds, not pets. To keep a pheasant in a cage like this is very cruel and shows you don't really care about the health and well-being of a bird, just the looks at to say you have one.
@007Sean @Midnightman14

1) Pheasants can perch like a macaw can perch on a branch.

2) Pheasants are game birds in which an evil hunter shoots them from the sky. Which is more cruel, keeping a pheasant in a cage and treating them as a family pet, or hunting them for "sport"?
I do not understand your logic. Why should a $15 pheasant be given a huge aviary to be released and shot by a hunter, meanwhile a $9000 macaw only be kept in a refrigerator sized cage?
1) Pheasants can perch like a macaw can perch on a branch.

2) Pheasants are game birds in which an evil hunter shoots them from the sky. Which is more cruel, keeping a pheasant in a cage and treating them as a family pet, or hunting them for "sport"?
I'm a little confused. If you're confident the cage is big enough, why ask? It seems like you wanted an opinion until you didn't get the one you wanted.

Not all birds have the same needs. Maybe you should do some research on what space requirements pheasants have and decide for yourself how to keep them.

In my experience pheasants like to cover ground and fly. Calling hunting cruel is not really the debate. Quality of life matters. None of the animals we keep were meant to be fenced in and kept, we find ways to keep the animals healthy while raising them. To do that we must look at THEIR needs and practicality.

I can tell you me and my kids mostly eat deer and elk because they are free range and as close to organic as you can get. They had an amazing quality of life while commercial raised poultry/pork/beef do not. Hunting isn't cruel.
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