Low Energy/Low Balance Baby Chick


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2024
Hi All!

I just got my first set of chicks today! All of them are doing fantastic except for one.

She's a red sex link and she seems vest tired and has lack of balance. I checked her vent and it is clear. I wiped it with warm water regardless and put her back under the heat.

She isn't drinking or eating. I tried holding her and feeding her with my hands too.

What do I do?! Help!
The chick may have shipping stress including dehydration. Mix one cup of warm water with one teaspoon sugar mixed in. Take the chick in hand and with an oral syringe or eye dropper, dribble the solution on the right side of the beak. This will get slurped in. Keep doing it for a while, then put the chick down and dip the beak in the solution. She should begin drinking on her own.

If she still won't go back to dribbling the solution on the right side of her beak. Once she's had enough sugar water, she should have more strength and balance and should be ready to tackle some finely minced hard boiled egg.

Poultry Nutridrench mixed into the water for all the chicks can give them all an important boost and should head off any other chicks that could be borderline stressed. They can all benefit from the minced egg and Nutri-drench.
The chick may have shipping stress including dehydration. Mix one cup of warm water with one teaspoon sugar mixed in. Take the chick in hand and with an oral syringe or eye dropper, dribble the solution on the right side of the beak. This will get slurped in. Keep doing it for a while, then put the chick down and dip the beak in the solution. She should begin drinking on her own.

If she still won't go back to dribbling the solution on the right side of her beak. Once she's had enough sugar water, she should have more strength and balance and should be ready to tackle some finely minced hard boiled egg.

Poultry Nutridrench mixed into the water for all the chicks can give them all an important boost and should head off any other chicks that could be borderline stressed. They can all benefit from the minced egg and Nutri-drench.
Will try the sugar water now. Will provide update shortly!

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