"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I'm not a fan of duck eggs as far as scrambling but I do love to cook with them. I have several older ladies (just picked up another baker last week) that bake and they get duck eggs from me every week. I also have a lady who is deadly allergic to chicken eggs and she buys 5 dozen duck eggs from me every week. Her health has improved drastically according to her and her doctor. I was amazed at the list of things that she is using the duck eggs for which is why she buys so many. Now she has her co-workers wanting to buy my duck eggs. I plan on baking the 10 egg pound cake this weekend and will use some of the duck eggs for that recipe. The last 10 egg pound cake that I made, I froze just about the entire cake and when I wanted a slice, I just took a slice out of the freezer, let it get to room temp and ate it. So now that I know the pound cake freezes nicely, I will continue to freeze it when I bake.

I'm not sure if they do. I will call them and ask them and I can let you know.
Thanks! And feel free to share that pound cake recipe
I'm not a fan of duck eggs as far as scrambling but I do love to cook with them. I have several older ladies (just picked up another baker last week) that bake and they get duck eggs from me every week. I also have a lady who is deadly allergic to chicken eggs and she buys 5 dozen duck eggs from me every week. Her health has improved drastically according to her and her doctor. I was amazed at the list of things that she is using the duck eggs for which is why she buys so many. Now she has her co-workers wanting to buy my duck eggs. I plan on baking the 10 egg pound cake this weekend and will use some of the duck eggs for that recipe. The last 10 egg pound cake that I made, I froze just about the entire cake and when I wanted a slice, I just took a slice out of the freezer, let it get to room temp and ate it. So now that I know the pound cake freezes nicely, I will continue to freeze it when I bake. I'm not sure if they do. I will call them and ask them and I can let you know.
Thanks! And feel free to share that pound cake recipe
https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/212913/10-egg-pound-cake * I substitute the shortening and I use butter. Shortening tastes BLAH :sick Made me feel like I was a walking heart attack after eating that 1st cake I make.
I knew that there was something I wanted to tell everyone. Out of the 5 lambs that I have, 4 of them are BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :he :smack :rant :hit

How lucky can I get. :smack

TO THE MARKET THEY GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool

* I substitute the shortening and I use butter. Shortening tastes BLAH :sick Made me feel like I was a walking heart attack after eating that 1st cake I make.

I made some cookies with shortening last week, and I felt the same way!  I could eat the whole tray of cookies bakes using butter.  I could only eat one of the shortening cookies before I pushed the tray away lol



I'm glad that I'm not alone. :highfive: I thought it was just me being me (picky). LOL :gig
I knew that there was something I wanted to tell everyone. Out of the 5 lambs that I have, 4 of them are BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :he :smack :rant :hit How lucky can I get. :smack TO THE MARKET THEY GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool
You had the same year I did!
I have some bands if you want to wether them and eat them!
You had a year like that too? :gig What did you do with all of yours? They will definitely be EATEN !!!!!!!!!! And I'm not sad to say it. I have named them. I make sure I say their given names daily, so when the time comes, I won't feel so bad. 1. LC - Lamb Chop 2. LL - Leg Of Lamb 3. LS - Lamb Shank 4. RL - Rack of Lamb
Howdy! A new "La-yer" here. Finishing up building my coop now, I was stuck in between buying one or building my own. It feels so much more satisfying building my own- very proud of it so far.

I have a few concerns though: if the interior of my coop is big enough and if my roosts are positioned correctly. I will only by housing two hens but I don't know what breed yet. But I am so excited to have some hens to raise since I have been wanting to do this for months and had to convince my boyfriend they wouldn't be a nusiance.

Hello!! And welcome to all the new eggs that have joined the forum this last week. Post a picture of your coop. Are you wanting egg layers or meat birds?

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