"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

So when are you coming over to do the deed?
Hahaha Julie if I was closer we would surely have that party I just finished dispatching and dressing out a deer a buddy of mine hit on the road :)
Kids and I were on you tube this morning.  I had to share this, we Loved it!!!  Silkie <3

Well, I was going to watch it. When I read your post, I thought that you and the kids had uploaded a video to You Tube, so I was going to check it out. When I clicked on the link and saw the "S" word (SILKIE), I couldn't force myself to look at the little critter. I'm scared of Silkies. :oops:
Well, I was going to watch it. When I read your post, I thought that you and the kids had uploaded a video to You Tube, so I was going to check it out. When I clicked on the link and saw the "S" word (SILKIE), I couldn't force myself to look at the little critter. I'm scared of Silkies.

Oops! Sorry about that! Its a sweet story about a silkie momma.
Well, I was going to watch it. When I read your post, I thought that you and the kids had uploaded a video to You Tube, so I was going to check it out. When I clicked on the link and saw the "S" word (SILKIE), I couldn't force myself to look at the little critter. I'm scared of Silkies. :oops:

Oops!  Sorry about that!  Its a sweet story about a silkie momma.


No problem. I'm sure she is a great momma. :oops:
Does anyone on here raise Khaki Campbell ducks? My husband says that I have too many irons in the fire and need to lighten my load. I'm thinking about replacing a lot of my chickens with the Khaki Campbell ducks. The grow so fast that I am able to put them out to pasture after only a month! No more keeping chicks in a brooder until they are half grown! Also, nasty weather doesn't bother a duck one bit whereas cold and wet will kill chickens. I can't let my chickens free range due to hawks, but they don't seem to bother my ducks. Seems like the easiest route to go. Low maintenance, I still get my yummy eggs, and my hubby won't fuss because it's ducks!
Does anyone on here raise Khaki Campbell ducks? My husband says that I have too many irons in the fire and need to lighten my load.  I'm thinking about replacing a lot of my chickens with the Khaki Campbell ducks.  The grow so fast that I am able to put them out to pasture after only a month!  No more keeping chicks in a brooder until they are half grown!  Also, nasty weather doesn't bother a duck one bit whereas cold and wet will kill chickens.  I can't let my chickens free range due to hawks, but they don't seem to bother my ducks.  Seems like the easiest route to go.  Low maintenance, I still get my yummy eggs, and my hubby won't fuss because it's ducks!

I don't but I know someone that does. As you said, ducks are easy peasy. How many chickens will you be keeping? Have you ever eaten duck eggs before? Do you plan on eating the ducks?
I don't but I know someone that does. As you said, ducks are easy peasy. How many chickens will you be keeping? Have you ever eaten duck eggs before? Do you plan on eating the ducks?
I find that the duck eggs are thicker, but they taste just the same as chicken eggs to me! I also LOVE to bake with them. Not sure how many I will be keeping, but not a lot. A few of my nice silkies, and my heritage barred rocks for sure. Does the person you know of ever sell hatching eggs? If so, I'd love to get their contact info from you!
I don't but I know someone that does. As you said, ducks are easy peasy. How many chickens will you be keeping? Have you ever eaten duck eggs before? Do you plan on eating the ducks?

I find that the duck eggs are thicker, but they taste just the same as chicken eggs to me!  I also LOVE to bake with them. Not sure how many I will be keeping, but not a lot.  A few of my nice silkies, and my heritage barred rocks for sure.  Does the person you know of ever sell hatching eggs?  If so, I'd love to get their contact info from you!

I'm not a fan of duck eggs as far as scrambling but I do love to cook with them. I have several older ladies (just picked up another baker last week) that bake and they get duck eggs from me every week. I also have a lady who is deadly allergic to chicken eggs and she buys 5 dozen duck eggs from me every week. Her health has improved drastically according to her and her doctor. I was amazed at the list of things that she is using the duck eggs for which is why she buys so many. Now she has her co-workers wanting to buy my duck eggs. I plan on baking the 10 egg pound cake this weekend and will use some of the duck eggs for that recipe. The last 10 egg pound cake that I made, I froze just about the entire cake and when I wanted a slice, I just took a slice out of the freezer, let it get to room temp and ate it. So now that I know the pound cake freezes nicely, I will continue to freeze it when I bake.

I'm not sure if they do. I will call them and ask them and I can let you know.

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