"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I don't sell chicks, but I buy them and I would never expect a refund or replacement. I know I take care of my chicks, but in the beginning two died. Turned out my Mom would unplug the heat lamp when I was at work because it just "wasn't that cold outside" (April) and "we never put heat lamps on our chicks growing up." I explained that hers were yard chickens with hens looking out after their body temp all day. Anyway, you just never know what can happen, even to new owners that think everything is perfect. My vote: No refunds!!! But, I would be sure to say so at the point of sale.
Gotcha'. Well, it's up to you on how you want to handle it. How many chicks did she buy?

She bought 5, and I even gave her an extra!
Anyone who buys/sells chicks on any kind of regular basis would understand why you didn't refund. I wouldn't worry about it. Did you ask her what exactly she did on the way home and once she got there with those chicks? It sounds like she needs some educating!
Ahhh...roo. That would be Boss Hogg.
Thank you. I went out today to see if anymore hatched early --found 2 NEW eggs. They are still stealing them from the others. I snatched them out from under their butts. If they keep this up they'll be sitting all summer instead of laying. If you could've seen that poor little chicken with that egg under her chin...geez, she needs a reality show. "Egg Hoarders" Maybe they'd run it on Nat Geo Wild -- and Julie can feature all of her hoarders that will sit on anything.

I'm having one of those nights where I cannot get to sleep and lying there in the bed just makes me irritated. I can't get comfy no matter what I do. So here I am online. Probably a good thing all my credit/debit cards are locked down from the theft or I'd be online shopping!

I think most people who regularly buy understand. So far every thing had been a PITA with this person. I'd just like to settle up with them and be done with it, but they can't seem to make a decision on what they want! I'm really trying to be patient, but I don't really have the time to keep going back and forth with the same information over and over again.

From now on, I'm going to be sure to tell people, THESES ARE CHICKS! THEY ARE FRAGILE! You kill them once you've paid for them and it's on you!
Gracie, are you keeping documentation (texts, emails, etc) with this person. Give her a deadline so that she and you can be done with this. She is taking up valuable time. She needs to move on. I don't understand why they are taking so long to make a decision. It's is this way or that way. No in between. What is there to think about on her part? C'mon lady!!!!
Ok, so someone is playing a very cruel joke on me and it's NOT funny. I got back from work yesterday and what do I find waiting at the chicken yard gate to get in.




She pulled a fast one on me. I thought that I was being so careful not to let any muscovys sit on any eggs this laying season. I have been hunting for hidden nests and have not found any. Well, this hen fooled me. SOMEWHERE in the yard OR woods, she hid a nest and hatched 12 muscovy ducklings. I am NOT happy about this. :mad: :th

And I just posted yesterday that there would be no more hatching at Happy Acres, Broody Acres, Fertile Acres. Now we can call this "I'll Hatch What I Want Acres" (spoken by the hens). :/
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Omg they're so cute lol

Ok, so someone is playing a very cruel joke on me and it's NOT funny. I got back from work yesterday and what do I find waiting at the chicken yard gate to get in.




She pulled a fast one on me. I thought that I was being so careful not to let any muscovys sit on any eggs this laying season. I have been hunting for hidden nests and have not found any. Well, this hen fooled me. SOMEWHERE in the yard OR woods, she hid a nest and hatched 12 muscovy ducklings. I am NOT happy about this. :mad: :th

And I just posted yesterday that there would be no more hatching at Happy Acres, Broody Acres, Fertile Acres. Now we can call this "I'll Hatch What I Want Acres" (spoken by the hens). :/
Hi all and lmao Julie you cant stop em :) Any you dont want pack em in a box and send em North

Finally getting over surgery and have lost a herd of my ducks this year so war of the fox and hound begins as I figure I fattened em up enough. Anyone got a good fox recipe lmao

Jeff didnt forget you will pm you. Just been jacked up for a bit.

I got 1 white and 1 purple pea hatched several others but these are special.

Ashley any bird sold alive isnt your responsabilty to keep alive once they leave and I personally wouldnt replace any.

On another note found wood rats were living in a dead stump in one of my pens. Anybody know how to get rid of those things. I have been tracking them down and killing what I can but they just move to another place and doesnt seem like I can get them all. I have never seen one here in 13 years so not sure where they came from or why their not trappable
Ok, so someone is playing a very cruel joke on me and it's NOT funny. I got back from work yesterday and what do I find waiting at the chicken yard gate to get in.


She pulled a fast one on me. I thought that I was being so careful not to let any muscovys sit on any eggs this laying season. I have been hunting for hidden nests and have not found any. Well, this hen fooled me. SOMEWHERE in the yard OR woods, she hid a nest and hatched 12 muscovy ducklings. I am NOT happy about this.

And I just posted yesterday that there would be no more hatching at Happy Acres, Broody Acres, Fertile Acres. Now we can call this "I'll Hatch What I Want Acres" (spoken by the hens).

But they are so cute! I'd say send them to my house, but I can't guarantee that they wouldn't end up in the freezer! My hubby loves duck!
Hi all and lmao Julie you cant stop em :) Any you dont want pack em in a box and send em North

Finally getting over surgery and have lost a herd of my ducks this year so war of the fox and hound begins as I figure I fattened em up enough. Anyone got a good fox recipe lmao

Jeff didnt forget you will pm you. Just been jacked up for a bit.

I got 1 white and 1 purple pea hatched several others but these are special.

Ashley any bird sold alive isnt your responsabilty to keep alive once they leave and I personally wouldnt replace any.

On another note found wood rats were living in a dead stump in one of my pens. Anybody know how to get rid of those things. I have been tracking them down and killing what I can but they just move to another place and doesnt seem like I can get them all. I have never seen one here in 13 years so not sure where they came from or why their not trappable

Mike, I won't be replacing any from now on! I hope you feel better and are able to get rid of that nasty little predator issue you have! BTW, what color bantam ameraucanas do you have? I have a little over 30 eggs in my incubator from shipped eggs. I definitely won't be keeping that many, so I might be able to send a some your way if I have the right colors for you!
But they are so cute! I'd say send them to my house, but I can't guarantee that they wouldn't end up in the freezer! My hubby loves duck!

Mike, I won't be replacing any from now on! I hope you feel better and are able to get rid of that nasty little predator issue you have! BTW, what color bantam ameraucanas do you have? I have a little over 30 eggs in my incubator from shipped eggs. I definitely won't be keeping that many, so I might be able to send a some your way if I have the right colors for you!
Mine are mixed EE I have lav,paint and black pure Would be better to give them to someone else I have plenty and then a few :)
I am penning up my pyrenees for the weekend and booby trapping every trail they got coming in and out so if their smart they will stay clear of my place this weekend and if not will have pics. Sometimes its good to be a professional trapper lmao Their will be enough stuff set to catch even a nat crossing in
Thanks MotherCluckinMe

LOL @ Mike. Mike, you had surgery??????? Why didn't we know about this? I hope that you are ok. Sorry to hear about your losses. Darn fox!!

Congrats on the peas Mike. Post pics when you can.

Wood rats Mike? WOW!!! I hope they don't overpopulate over there

Gracie, I don't blame your hubby. Duck is good. If any of the ducklings are drakes, then they will be in the freezer.
But they are so cute! I'd say send them to my house, but I can't guarantee that they wouldn't end up in the freezer! My hubby loves duck! Mike, I won't be replacing any from now on! I hope you feel better and are able to get rid of that nasty little predator issue you have! BTW, what color bantam ameraucanas do you have? I have a little over 30 eggs in my incubator from shipped eggs. I definitely won't be keeping that many, so I might be able to send a some your way if I have the right colors for you!
Mine are mixed EE I have lav,paint and black pure Would be better to give them to someone else I have plenty and then a few :) I am penning up my pyrenees for the weekend and booby trapping every trail they got coming in and out so if their smart they will stay clear of my place this weekend and if not will have pics. Sometimes its good to be a professional trapper lmao Their will be enough stuff set to catch even a nat crossing in
:yuckyuck :lau I better warn all of the gnats and skeeters. :gig Sounds like they don't stand a chance over there this weekend at your place. :gig
Mike, hope you are feeling better fast AND that the fox and wood rats are NOT!!

Here is the remaining baby on Day 6. It is sure taking advantage being the only one, if it were fatter it would pop, I think, but then I have never seen new born babies before. LOL Coco is taking very good care of it. Poor thing, she's such a good Mom and only has one baby.

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