"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Beautiful babies! My 5 pea eggs are still going strong. Due to hatch on the 22nd. I hover and sweet talk them daily in hopes that some kind of divine miracles will happen and all 5 will hatch and I'll get a white or two! LOL

My two d'uccle broodies amaze me daily. I kept wondering how Dolly was managing to get all of the eggs over the boards and under herself. Then when she'd sneak out to eat Tanya would get one and move to random spots all over the coop (probably to get away from Dolly). I went out yesterday to check them again as they've stolen so many darned eggs I have no idea when they will hatch. I picked Tanya up slightly and by golly Dolly jumped over and grabbed an egg while I was lifting her! That evil wicked witch of the west tucked that egg under her chin and plopped her fluffy butt right back down in her own nest with it!!!!!
She's a broody hoarder! Needless to say, I took it back and put it under Tanya again. The really amazing part of what's going on with these two is that when I knew they were serious about their egg hatching obsession I started dating the eggs under them. I did for a week thinking that they'd hatch generally in the same time frame. First egg due on the 9th. On Monday I found this scenario:

Wicked Witch of the West Dolly on the left and Tanya Tucker on the right. Would you believe the egg shell was under Dolly yet that baby seemed to know mama was Tanya???

Dolly trying to stop the babe from running around. See the nosy bird outside the door? LOL
.And just for fun I snapped this pic of the 3 I got from mzstre --the basque pair (Tom Peeping Tom and his lady I haven't chosen a name for yet) and the Swedish Flower Cockerel Donald Trump. Guess how he earned that name? LOL

This is my 4 and a half month old blue copper marans cockerel. He is growing into such a beautiful boy. I got my first egg from his girls yesterday! WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!
Chickenbelle, I split my side laughing so hard!!! What a hoot!! "Chicken Hoarder!!"
Seriously, you have some beautiful critters!!!
To the Louisiana Peeps that sell day old chicks: How long do you guarantee them for once they leave your possession?

I sold some chicks to a local lady. She lost EVERY SINGLE ONE of them. I gave the other half of the hatch to a friend of mine, and all of his are perfectly fine. It's obviously not a problem that came from my house, or his chicks wouldn't have made it either. I've offered her a full refund in good faith, but I'm just wondering what everyone else's policy is?
I don't sell chicks, but I buy them and I would never expect a refund or replacement. I know I take care of my chicks, but in the beginning two died. Turned out my Mom would unplug the heat lamp when I was at work because it just "wasn't that cold outside" (April) and "we never put heat lamps on our chicks growing up." I explained that hers were yard chickens with hens looking out after their body temp all day. Anyway, you just never know what can happen, even to new owners that think everything is perfect. My vote: No refunds!!! But, I would be sure to say so at the point of sale.
Not yet, but I'd hate for them to go blasting me all over facebook or locally. That's the only thing I'm trying to avoid.
Anyone who buys/sells chicks on any kind of regular basis would understand why you didn't refund. I wouldn't worry about it. Did you ask her what exactly she did on the way home and once she got there with those chicks? It sounds like she needs some educating!
Nosy one outside "What is it a ROO or a HEN?"
Ahhh...roo. That would be Boss Hogg.
Chickenbelle, I split my side laughing so hard!!! What a hoot!! "Chicken Hoarder!!"
Seriously, you have some beautiful critters!!!
Thank you. I went out today to see if anymore hatched early --found 2 NEW eggs. They are still stealing them from the others. I snatched them out from under their butts. If they keep this up they'll be sitting all summer instead of laying. If you could've seen that poor little chicken with that egg under her chin...geez, she needs a reality show. "Egg Hoarders" Maybe they'd run it on Nat Geo Wild -- and Julie can feature all of her hoarders that will sit on anything.

I'm having one of those nights where I cannot get to sleep and lying there in the bed just makes me irritated. I can't get comfy no matter what I do. So here I am online. Probably a good thing all my credit/debit cards are locked down from the theft or I'd be online shopping!
Anyone who buys/sells chicks on any kind of regular basis would understand why you didn't refund. I wouldn't worry about it. Did you ask her what exactly she did on the way home and once she got there with those chicks? It sounds like she needs some educating!
Ahhh...roo. That would be Boss Hogg.
Thank you. I went out today to see if anymore hatched early --found 2 NEW eggs. They are still stealing them from the others. I snatched them out from under their butts. If they keep this up they'll be sitting all summer instead of laying. If you could've seen that poor little chicken with that egg under her chin...geez, she needs a reality show. "Egg Hoarders" Maybe they'd run it on Nat Geo Wild -- and Julie can feature all of her hoarders that will sit on anything.

I'm having one of those nights where I cannot get to sleep and lying there in the bed just makes me irritated. I can't get comfy no matter what I do. So here I am online. Probably a good thing all my credit/debit cards are locked down from the theft or I'd be online shopping!
X 2 on everything you said!
"Egg hoarders" -- LOVE the concept! I'd say work it up & pitch it to the TV stations!
Anyone in Kentwood, la? I have a rescue group trying hard to find someone to rescue 2-3 hens (10eggs too as of this morning) that were abandoned. I would take them in in a heartbeat but can't get out there.

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