Lost some hens, now don't have enough for all my roosters


Ich bin der knopfe
Sep 11, 2020
A week or so ago I lost a few hens, including one of my favorites, a beautiful Speckled Sussex due to a predator. I am missing them so much :hit.

So I now have 15 hens, and 3 roosters. I just love all 3 of them and they're all so polite and nice to the girls, but I'm worried that I don't have enough hens to roosters, but also my coop is pretty small, but I thought I would be ok if I free ranged (they are currently free ranging). My coop is 60sq feet, the run is 120, and we are going to build a yard to keep the predators out, which will be 2500sq feet.

Basically, my question is, am I ok space wise, should I get more hens, or do I have to get rid of one of my awesome roosters. The 3 of them typically get along pretty well, but I don't think my hen/rooster ratio is very good. So thanks if you have answers!
If they're free ranging, you could get away with something small at night for the roos. Hubby built something small for my mom. She only has a couple. Here's the pic of the Pepto coop, this size is good for just sleeping..the door is also the ramp. I did the paint job.
I've read hen to roo should be 8-10 hens to 1 roo. You can get more hens or get rid of a roo or since you say they are pretty gentle on their girls you can watch to see if it works out, there can always be exceptions.
Is here a reason why you don't want to replace the hens and get some more chicks? If you can't replace the hens maybe you shouldn't free range because the ratio will get worse.

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